Showing posts with label Toyota. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toyota. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Toyota is Testing Flat Panel Satellite Communication for Future Models


Toyota Unveiled Flat Panel Satellite Communication Vehicles

Japanese automaker, Toyota had unveiled its flat panel satellite communication vehicles, in partnership with sat-comm company Kymeta at the North American International Auto Show’ 2016.The hydrogen fuel cell powered Toyota Mirai has been equipped with flat-panel satellite communication technology of Kymeta.

Toyota has been working in getting data to and from the car as quickly as possible with satellites being the solution. The focus of the Japanese carmaker lies in the inclusive of Data Communication Modules in a broader variety of upcoming vehicles and satellite communication seems the key technology.

Rather than depending on huge traditional satellite dish, the panels of Kymeta tend to use liquid crystal technology for tracking and steering electronically, towards satellites. There seems to be some advantage of using satellites in transferring data instead of cell towers of Wi-Fi transmitters. Firstly, a high-capacity satellite could transport large amount of data to and from a vehicle quickly and more safely than an Internet connection.

 Moreover, unlike a tower based connection, an unceasing satellite connection could span between countries, borders as well as in remote areas.

Solves Challenge of Vehicle Based Satellite Communication

Another purpose for Toyota to warm up to flat-panel sat-comm is since it can be comparatively easy in installing in the aftermarket which means that instead of being forced to buy a new brand of Toyota to avail all the best data service, you could have your present car fitted with the tech.

 This would however enable Toyota to indoctrinate extra customers in its data services as well as add to the number of cars that it digitally tends to track on the road. Senior managing officer of Toyota, Shigeki Tomoyama had commented that they are excited to learn about Kymeta since their flat antennae technology tends to solve the challenge of vehicle-based satellite communication’.

Toyota together with Kymeta, based in the hub of Redmond, Washington, has been working on the research of flat antenna since 2013. KymetaCEO, Dr Nathan Kundtz, had stated that his company was the first in successfully demonstrating this kind of technology and that they have more than 8,000 miles of road testing with cars linked to satellites’.

Antennas Lightweight & Flat – Easily Added to Vehicle

It was revealed by Toyota that the next generation in connectivity at the Detroit Auto Show recently, that a satellite embedded in the roof of its hydrogen-powered Mirai sedan could download data fasters as well as securely than cellular networks.

Toyota had mentioned in a press statement that `while these satellites have historically require the use of a `dish’ antenna on the ground, Kymeta’s satellite antennas take away the need for mechanical components by utilising software and liquid crystal technologies. Toyota states that the antennas seems to be lightweight and flat and can easily be added to the vehicle during or after the assembly.

The company also intends utilising satellite communication in the near future which includes high capacity satellites offering a higher data transfer rates thanthe conventional satellite technologies. Though there is no indication of when the satellite communication is intended to make an appearance on commercially available cars, a kind of Kymeta’s antenna meant for marine vehicles will go into production in partnership with Panasonic Avionics Corp, somewhere next year.

Mirai Creation Investment, the venture capital firm where Toyota is also a partner has contributed $5 million into Kymeta as part of the deal and the flat panel antennas could serve the customers of Toyota with added innovative type of what is here at NAIAS – the upsurge of the connected vehicle.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Toyota Unveils the FCV Plus, a Multifunctional Hydrogen Electricity Concept Car


Toyota is all set to boost its environment friendly range of vehicles by bringing in dedicated hydrogen electricity based concept car. Toyota is utilizing the concept of ‘FCV plus’ wherein it will be using compressed hydrogen for its upcoming concept car. This ‘FCV Plus’ concept will allow it to use highly efficient and energy rich compressed hydrogen which can easily be generated from a much wider range if raw materials. It is extremely easier to store the compressed hydrogen within the car which will in turn provide the electricity for running the environmentally sustainable technological vehicle.

Understand the hydrogen car first

Hydrogen cars are nothing different from the electric car and the only difference between the two is the use of battery. Electric cars usually runs on the conventional lithium ion or nickel metal hydride while hydrogen car explicitly stores their electricity in the form o hydrogen which later gets converted in into electricity and utilized in the motors for running the car. Hydrogen cars offers a great way to use a completely environment friendly fuel i.e. hydrogen which offers no harmful exhaust emissions.

Consumers will easily be able to refuel their car with the hydrogen just like filling their present cars with the petrol or diesel. Furthermore hydrogen car doesn’t require users to charge their batteries and they can drive for as long as their hydrogen may last.


The futuristic Toyota concept car

Toyota concept car possess an ultra slim futuristic design which can easily four passengers with great comfort. The FCV Plus will possess a hydrogen tank which will help in generating the electricity from the hydrogen for driving the motors. It also possess the ability to harness the electricity directly from the hydrogen placed outside the car and it can help in providing a stable for the electric even at home and at other places. Toyota new concept car fuel cell stack can easily be used by the users as a electricity generating device which has been never heard of before. IN simple words this fuel stack not just help in running the car but it can provide electricity to the users for different purposes.


Features of the hydrogen powered car

Toyota had gone with an extremely compact design but it has sacrificed on the consumers comfort at all. The fuel stack has been carefully mounted between the front wheels while the hydrogen tank has been placed right behind the rear seat. This has made it easier to offers more space within the car even the ultra compact design.

Toyota has used an independent in wheel motors in the entire four wheel which helps in providing better control of the vehicle. This car creates an optimal weight balance by carefully placing the fuel stack and motors at different places and it also helps in offering a wide field of vision to the user. Lightweight shells are used throughout the exterior design to lend a futuristic look. Driver gets straightforward controls which is extremely easier to use and handle without much inconvenience at all.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Toyota's 'Aerocar' will have WINGS Hidden in the Roof


Toyota’s `Aerocar’ With Wings

Toyota is planning to bring the technology of flying cars which may seem like a science fiction, to the masses and the Kentucky based car manufacturer has been awarded a patent for a vehicle with wings that seems to be hidden in the roof and which can be arrayed at the touch of a button.

The patent had been filed in March 2014 and was awarded earlier this week. Illustrations indicate that the rotating wings stacked in a row of four, each of which can be organized separately so that the car looks like multi-planes of the early days of aviation.

Toyota mentioned in the patent that `flying has always been a dream central to the history of humanity. Aerocars or roadable aircraft are considered as vehicles which could be driven on roads and take off, fly as well as land as aircraft. Vehicles that tend to exhibit such capability provide operators with freedom, ability and the comfort to arrive speedily at a destination as mobility becomes three dimensional though remains private and personal.

Design Restricts the Side View

The biggest issue is in developing a craft which would fit on a road and in parking space and has the flight stability and control of the plane. It is mainly critical of flying car designs which have the foldable wings on the side of the vehicle and though effective, the more numerous the fold locations, greater would be the weight as well as complexity which would influence operability in individual mode.

Moreover, the designs would also restrict the side views of the people in the car. To overcome this issue, Toyota intends stacking wings in the roof of the car. When installed, one wing tends to rise from the roof and rotates in position while the second can then be organized followed by the third and fourth.

Toyota describes it as `the present disclosure pertains to a vehicle that can be flown as a fixed wing aircraft and driven as a land vehicle. The present disclosure is more specifically directed to stackable wing architectures. The other details are not too clear and Toyota does not elucidate how the car intends getting the propulsion essential for taking off.

Multi-Planes of Late 19th/20th Century

Illustrations however, indicating the fully arranged wings make the car appear like the multi-planes of the late 19th and the early 20th century, particularly the Maxim designed by Hiram Maxim in the 1890s and the range of Phillips Muliplanes from the early 1990s.

In the case of the Phillips Multiplane I, there were 20 stacked wings and a model built in1907 flew 500ft. However the design was not as successful as the conventional types of planes.Terrafugia, one of the firms leading the flying car movement unveiled in July, new designs for its revolutionary vehicle known as the TF-X.

 Its concept vehicle which tends to double as a plane as well as a land car has fold out wings with twin electric motors attached to each end. These motors enable the TF-X to move from a vertical to a horizontal position and will be powered by a 300hp engine.

As per the company, the thrust would be provided by a ducted fan and the vehicle would be having a voyaging speed of 200 mph together with a 500 mile flight range. The intended four people TF-X would be semi-autonomous, utilising computer controls in order that passengers could type in a destination before taking off.