Showing posts with label Twitter Bot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter Bot. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Massive Networks of Fake Accounts Found on Twitter

Twitter being such a popular social networking site, some are always up to some nuisance regarding this. It has become so popular because as the common mass gets to be acquainted with what is being posted by their favorite stars, whom they always look up to.

So, there is an ardent urge amongst the commoners to be a part of it and for doing so they do not even think one’s before creating a fake account. There are a huge number of fake accounts lobbed at this social networking site. Because of the tight criteria to be an account holder on Twitter people make fake accounts by filling in wrong details about themselves which denotes that how ill-responsible these people are. A research done in UK proved that Twitter which is one of the largest networking site that binds even more than 350,000 and even more, have to encounter such threats.

This is a major problem in the era of social networking and simultaneously where cyber crime is getting increased day by day. It is very difficult to figure out that exactly what number of fake accounts are there, but attempts are being taken to figure out the culprits. One of the computer scientist Juan Echeverria at UCL have unveiled the larger network of fake accounts. His research in this field took a leap by combining thoroughly 1% of the sample of people who use Twitter to get a proper knowledge of how people use this social site.

On further analysis very strange results came out that shocked everyone associated with the research. They discovered that there were several accounts that were linked up together, which suggested that there is a single person who is the master mind of this whole range of fake accounts. It was pretty evident that this work was not the work of a human.

Further discoveries in this field suggest that it is difficult to find out the culprit as they all tend to act differently to even some genuine accounts.

The researchers are now asking the people who use this website and have a twitter account to report immediately if they find any bots as they are so many in number that it is next to impossible for a group researchers to locate all of them. They have suggested nuances to locate these bots as these bots will have created an account recently, they won’t have much followers and will have weird user names and very few messages.

They are likely to share tweets from the places where no human being lives, mostly the messages are dropped from Window phones, they even draw liners from Star Wars Novels. So, these are the traits of having a fake account which every user should take a note on.

The situation has become very oxymoron where the researchers after spotting this huge network of bots go on locating many more, as if there research would never come to an end. This is a serious problem that should be handled intensely.

Monday, December 23, 2013

How to write a Twitter Bot

Twitter Bot
Professional who to use twitter would have come across this term Twitter Bot. To common folks whodidn’t know anything about this, can learn what Twitter Bot while reading this further is.

Writing a Twitter Bot isn’t that tough, you can make it up in 5 minutes. A little bit of JavaScript may let you to know about Twitter Bot, but that is not certainly going to be a requirement just to make a basic Twitter Bot.
Bot is usually termed as an essential program that is always running at background. While running so whenever a command given to them especially tweets, it tends to process them number of tweet and provide a reply to the tweeter usually not in the same but a different tweet.

At earlier stages of development you would surely need a web server to run the Bot, while Bot is written using languages like PHP, Perl or phython. These language’s are not know by everyone so let’s make it simple. So let’s try out in Google Drive.

Step’s to write Twitter Bot

• To perform this Bot the first and foremost step is to create a Twitter account, that’s tends to be the Bot at later on stages. Have you ever come across, go to that sign-up with Twitter account and create Twitter app. Provide app name, description, website URL and how to get back named callback URL. Finally on processing everything at last Agree terms and conditions, fill the CAPTCHA and submit the form. Now you can create Twitter Application.

• Now Twitter app will be created and clack on settings tab and click on Read and Write under the Application Type. This will help since we want to read tweet and also to re-tweet or post tweet. After completing these steps click on update button to save your change.

• OAuth tool tab is an option available in Application and try to switch over. Then make a note of the customer Key and consumer Secret, because these things will be later on needed in Google Apps Script.

Proceed to Step B: Create a WolFarm Alpha App

• Twitter App will monitor the tweets and have a respond to tweet, while Wolfarm App used to find out answer that user tends to post to your Twitter bot.

• To work out with Wolfarm you have to create an account. For this procedure visit Generate an account and then choose Get an App ID to generate new app.

• Nothing proceed now will go in vein. Creating new account in Wolfarm will help later on in Google script. You can purchase a full or free version, on free version it works only a non-commercial purpose, so you have to make a note of this.

Guidelines for creating Twitter Bot with abcd is that 

• You have a send a mail to to deal up regarding license. Queries can be made to @DearAssistant at the rate of 2,000 per month.

Proceed to Last Step: 

• Clear to have a copy of Twitter Bot in your device. And re-enter the values of Twitter Consume key with Twitter Consumer Secret and also the Twitter Handle.

• Initialize the Twitter Bot through Run. On Authorization access to Google Script Service provide yes.

• At last Go to Run and upon authorization it will lead you to the Script access to Twitter account.