Showing posts with label Windows 8.1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows 8.1. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

First leaked screenshots of forth coming Windows 8.1 Update 1

Windows 8.1 Update 1

Windows 8.1 Update 1

Windows 8.1 Update 1
In 2014 and 2015; Windows users can look forward for the three major updates to their operating system. The smallest is going to happen in April for Windows 8.1 which is free according to the sources, which probably goes by the name "Windows 8.1 Update 1" or " Windows 8.1 2014 Update".

So far it is only known this much and there will be hardly visible innovations it seems. But Microsoft aims to improve system performance and provide more stability. Windows 8.1 Update 1 is therefore likely to closely resemble the previous service packs.

Already screenshots of a preliminary version of the update are leaked on the net. However, they show no changes compared to Windows 8.1. Only the version number of Internet Explorer 11 has increased slightly. According to the rumor, Microsoft will distribute this pre-release version from the third week of January for the first time to the selected partners.

Shortly thereafter, is thus to be expected the first leaks of the pre-release version. According to another insider, the final output of the update is the end of March then on 1 April 2014 it will be freely available for all users to download - just in the time of Microsoft's developer conference this year.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Flipboard application for Windows 8.1 is available


The Flipboard application to browse online and view the information as a magazine is now available for Windows 8.1. With the official Facebook app, Flipboard was one of the expectations of users of Windows 8 in Modern UI environment .

His arrival was announced by Microsoft in the month of June. It is now offered in the Windows Store for Windows 8.1 and at the same time for tablets like Surface. Flipboard -Windows- 8.1 application is similar to that proposed for iOS and Android, however, with an added bonus for Windows 8.1.

Once pinned to the home screen, the application takes advantage of the live tiles in order to display information directly. The principle of Flipboard is to allow the user to access information from various sources and in various themes like a magazine, turning the pages.

For Windows 8.1, it will be dragging the pages or the mouse wheel. Features of social networks are backed via Facebook and Twitter, and the ability to create his own magazine to share.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bing’s New “Hero Ads”

Bing’s New “Hero Ads”
Microsoft is testing a giant advertising format for Bing Search Windows 8.1 Smart, smart search available with the operating system. Similarly Google is testing the big size banners on the results pages of the search engine. As part of a test that also takes place in the United States, Microsoft also sees great things for Bing Smart Search.

 Bing is the Smart Search inaugurated with Windows 8.1. It is through a unified search that allows a query to search for files, settings, applications of the device and on the web. In partnership with some advertisers in the U.S. including Land Rover, Jaguar, Radio Shack or Hertz, a huge advertisement appears in Smart Search Bing for web results.

For this format called Hero ads, Microsoft said it appears to research specific information to the partner brand. This is a pilot program for which comments are expected, including the user side. Microsoft talks about creating an “experience that works best for advertisers and users of Windows 8.1.”