Showing posts with label cube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cube. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Rubik's Cube in all its facets - Part 2

The Cube unresolved

"The Cube", the Californian artist Marshall Astor, is both an art object and a fully functional Rubik's Cube. He had the idea, and realized, as a student. He explained that the sides of the cube are undifferentiated as it is the object itself, and its mechanism, which have always fascinated, not looking for the solution. The Cube is therefore composed of a real internal mechanism of Rubik's Cube that the artist has "dressed" white bronze pieces, originally, then skated with chemical treatments (acid, salts ...).

The Rubik's Cube in all its facets - Part 1

Rubik's Mirror Blocks Cube

This highly original variation of the Rubik's Cube is amazing in more ways than one and most likely baffle the regulars. It is a model but the classic 3x3x3 cubes are not all the same size and whose faces are covered with a mirror coating. What losing its bearings. Sold online 11 euros.