Showing posts with label hot technology news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hot technology news. Show all posts

Sunday 5 August 2012

Internet Explorer 10 will do more to track

That is what create serious turmoil in the world wide Web: Do not track option should be enabled by default in the next version of Internet Explorer. When you know that IE is in some studies the most used browser in the world, advertisers have to worry about.

For the record, this function attempts to outlaw all sites record user behavior, attempts that aim to better target the advertising banners on web pages. It is already present in IE 9, but is not enabled by default.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Renaming of the Microsoft Windows Phone Marketplace

Microsoft seems to continue its unification of its various media and services. Windows 8 is fast approaching and will inaugurate the first application store for Windows operating system. Windows Phone 8 will also have access to an application store, but the name Marketplace is not in conformity with the specifications. Therefore, Microsoft would be replaced by the Windows Phone Store, more logically.

Friday 3 August 2012

When comparing the Samsung with iPhone…

The court action against Samsung and Apple takes a different course each day. Today, an internal memo from Samsung, the Korean brand would not be admitted at trial, indicates that some brand managers considered the iPhone as "Paradise. You know that the Omnia is complicated to use? , "Wrote JK Shin, head of Mobile Communications division at Samsung. "When you compare it with the original version of the iPhone in 2007, can you say that the Omnia, released in 2009, is better? If you compare the user interface with the iPhone, what's the difference between Earth and Heaven. "

Thursday 2 August 2012

U2713HM, the first screen of AH-IPS Dell

Dell just announced on its blog the Japanese arrival of a 27-inch monitor with the AH-IPS technology, the latest iteration of IPS panels.

The U2713HM is its name, works with an LED backlight. This is the first AH-IPS screen from Dell. This acronym stands for Advanced High Performance IPS. Appeared in 2011, this technology provides more accurate color, increased resolution and reduced consumption. WQHD, the definition of the slab is 2560 x 1440 pixels.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

A multifunction pocket PC

Two brothers moved to San Francisco designers have concocted a fresh laptop bag with double function. The accessory can turn into a mobile desk.

The creation of Nick & Beau in question is a lightweight case cloth and wood. Besides its primary function is to store a laptop, OpenAIRE acts as personal desktop. Practical to move the multifunction accessory is an effective solution for acting otherwise. Once the bag open, the inner part serving office comprises two side panels.