Showing posts with label wifi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wifi. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2014

Wi-Fi Hotspot In The US Run Faster In Speed Than 4G!

While it might just seem like a commonly accepted fact that finally Wi-Fi would give faster speed then 4G, but in several other countries you get to view a different scenario. As per the reports of OpenSignal, U.S. LTE, speeds tend to be slow, but eventually trying to make improvement in this area.

As per the recent reports on U.S. WiFi Speeds by OpenSignal, there is an interesting nugget of information, which would be quite grasping news for many.

Network measurement firm revealed that the Wi-Fi speed which are available in hotels, retail stores, coffee shops, are relatively faster than the overall 4G network speed. Whereas, when a Smartphone user gets connect with a free Wi-Fi hotspot at around 8.77 Mbps, they tend to receive only 6.52 Mbps on a LTE platform and merely 4.31 Mbps on a HSPA+ link.

This was the recent information, which was available from OpenSignal’s data, which undergoes millions of tests through its effective crowd sourced network measurement app.

Well this might not come across as a big shock for many of you. One of the main reasons why people generally switch over from LTE to Wi-Fi is because it gives more bandwidth. However, this area is exception in the US, which has developed a well-built 4G infrastructure. Places like Australia, Sweden, the U.K., Japan and Korea, have LTE connections outpacing the public Wi-Fi networks. Carries such as Everything Everywhere of the UK have reported that there is a gradual decline in the area of Wi-Fi usage from their customer’s device.

However, why such a discrepancy? Well, it has to do a lot due to the way in which the US has made arrangements in its 4G section. It was amongst one of the very first countries to move ahead with large-scale LTE network, however, all of these networks were originally built on small fragment of spectrum. While the US carriers in the area of their download channel utilized 5 MHz or 10 MHz of spectrum, European carries had around 20 MHz East Asian and Australian carriers already using LTE Advanced carrier aggregation methods to pile up huge amount of spectrum in their respective networks.

There is one more reason also. The US comes with an excessively high LTE penetration level. Near about half of the entire LTE global connections towards the end of 2013 was there on the US networks as reported by the GSMA. This literally means that our network is gradually getting crowded with greater amount of people competing for the same level of capacity. You can coalesce this demand with even smaller size of our pipes and you will get a clear picture as in why the U.S. come almost at the end as per the reports made by the global LTE speed rankings.

However, there has been quite a number of new network construction works that has been seen in the U.S. this very year. Verizon has lately constructed a fresh LTE network in several of the major cities at new frequencies. It claims at providing twice the speed in several areas than what it previously generated. In addition, AT&T is following the same track and has utilized carrier aggregation to join in networks together. In around every 6 months time span, T-Mobile is increasing twice its capacity of its current network.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How to stay safe in Public wifi connection

Public wifi
Everyone is happy to use internet from a public Wi-Fi hotspot, but many of us are unaware of the security risks beneath it. We all are willing to use open Wi-Fi, but none of us is willing to give away our sensitive information. Let me give you a clear idea about insecure popen Wi-Fi.

Does it easy to steal information in open wifi hotspot?

Yes, it is more easy to steal your information in public wifi hotspot. It is illegal to steal others information, but criminals never care about it. In fact, they won’t be caught since it’s not an easy one to prove as a crime.

Commonly accessed public wifi hotspots:

Open wifi hotspots are commonly provided by the following

(i) Airports
(ii) Libraries
(iii) Hotels
(iv) Hospitals
(v) Universities
(vi) Coffee shops
(vii) Restaurants and so on.

Problems in public wifi hotspot:

The most common problems occurred in open wifi hotspot are listed below

(i) Internet threats may occupy your system
(ii) Sensitive information may be theft
(iii) Computer can be hacked

Internet threats:

Internet threats include virus, malwares and spywares. They can easily entered into your system and spoil your security and privacy. These internet threats are the common issues that could reduce the performance of computer. They are more vulnerable in open wifi-hotspot.

Better keep your computer with an up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spywares. Microsoft provides better security from internet threats. If you are using Windows 8, then antivirus protection is turned on automatically.

If it’s not Windows 8 then download Microsoft Security Essential.

Security level:

Everyone of us like to have a more secured connection. Secured connection makes your computer to perform in a better way and gives virus free, spyware free and malware free computer. But most of the OS and software doesn’t provide a secure environment to access internet. The get hold on a maximum security level of your computer and stay away from risks, just maintain the following environment.

Better keep your firewall always on, never turn it off. In windows 7 and 8 we can configure our firewall to block all unwanted access to our computer.

Keep all software up-to-date. If not then never update any software in open wifi connection. It is an easy way to access and hack a computer.

Use a strong secured connection with more security. Better choose more secured connection even that you have to pay for it. Both windows 8 and 7 can reduce security risks.

Avoid information theft:

Most of the people are unaware of sensitive information theft. They may expose their personal informations that should be kept secured. Avoid typing such personal information in an open wifi connection. If you have any secured internet access, then better use it for sensitive information such as

(i) Online transactions and online payments
(ii) E-mail login
(iii) Social network login
(iv) Net banking and Mobile banking

Turn off sharing:

Avoid sharing personal informations in open wifi hotspot. Better turn off your wifi while you are not using it.
By following the above ways and keep those settings you can keep your computer safe and secured even in an open wifi hotspot connection.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tested the original functions of compact digital cameras

Despite many predictions of extinction with the wave of smart phones, compact cameras continue to sell like hotcakes. But with the democratization of reflex, users have become more demanding with their handheld sensors. 

Manufacturers redoubling their imaginations and include many features that come out of the computer, the HDR geolocation, through amphibious aircraft or sharing via WiFi.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Siri: a technology that inspires iPhone hackers - II

Order a room thermostat

Siri can be seen as a gimmick, but here's a use that could be handy, especially for perennial chilly. A few days after the crack of the application by the French team of Applidium, an American developer calling themselves Plamon unveiled SiriProxy, a proxy server at any point similar to the voice server used by Apple to Siri. Once activated, it automatically connects Siri to offer new orders. Plamon first example, the ability to adjust the thermostat from room to room using the voice command software from Apple.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sony Unveils New Vaio Z

Sony continues to try to compete with Apple and its MacBook Air in the market for ultra-portable. The Japanese manufacturer has unveiled a new ultra-compact laptop is expected to begin shipping the end of July. With 1.18 kg only for particularly small dimensions (210 x 16.6 x 330 mm), it does not skimp on the part performance: Intel graphics card HD 3000 Graphics, Intel Core i7 running at 2.7 GHz , DD3 8 GB and 256 GB SSD.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Smile Cup, the cup that makes smileys

 Certainly, the competition "A life with future computing" held by Fujitsu and DA is an opportunity for visionaries to unveil futuristic concepts unannounced. Among these concepts figure Smile Cup. Smile Cup is a cup designed by the interactive designer Nikita Mokhire. She said discussions between family members, when watching TV and even when in public places, we are often taking a hot drink.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Galaxy S Wi-Fi, A Samsung Approach

Sam sung Hub unveiled last December by the Galaxy S Wi-Fi from Sam sung is poised to emerge in Europe. This is a variation of the Galaxy without chip GSM/3G S. In other words, the Galaxy S Wi-Fi is the equivalent of the iPod Touch.