Showing posts with label windows 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows 8. Show all posts

Saturday, October 18, 2014

How to Set a Static IP address in Windows 8

Static IP address
Setting of a static IP address on a computer is very essential as it allows your PC to have the same IP address every time you restart the computer. This is basically required if you are about to use port forwarding. This set up allows your router to forward ports to your specified IP address. If you do not do so then the router will not forward the port to your PC to the same IP address every time whenever you start the PC. So for it to work, make sure that you set up a static IP address or else the ports won’t be forwarded to the IP address and eventually this port forwarding set up fails.

This IP address must match with the values of router’s local IP address or the Default gateway. So now let’s see how you can perform this task in Windows 8 operating system.

Setting a static IP address: 

In order to set a static IP address on a Windows 8, you need to simply follow the steps given below:
  • Press the Windows key and open the Windows 8 start screen.
  • Now right click on the network icon that you can find on the extreme right corner of your desktop screen and then click on “open network and sharing centre”.
  • You can even click on the start button on the tool bar and go to the control panel and select “open network and sharing centre”.
  • Select the change adaptor settings from the window displayed.
  • A window is show cased displaying the Ethernet Properties.
  • Here you need to go for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then go to properties.
  • A window showing IP addresses is displayed. Here you get the option to create your own IP address for which you need to check mark the option “use the following IP address”.
  • The moment you check mark on this field, three more fields appear asking for IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gate. Fill up this provided fields.
  • Assure that the IP address that you are going to enter in this field is similar to the router’s IP address with the last number being different.
  • Below this you can observe “use the following DNS server address” field; here you need to enter the Preferred DNS Server address field.
  • After entering the numbers in all the desired fields, click on OK button and close the window.
  • Your static IP is created.
What can you conclude from this? 

Of all the points mentioned above, we come to the final conclusion that we need to set up a static IP address to PC in order that the router can forward ports to the same specified IP address that we have set each time when we start the PC. And it is the same four sets of numbers that allows computer to identify each other when connected to a network.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Official Facebook app for Windows 8 and Windows Phone now available

Facebook Apps
Microsoft has announced it will now be possible for Windows application developers to integrate a Facebook authentication module with a positive sign given to the developers, It does not look like much, yet the news is a huge opening on the part of Microsoft, which has announced that in the future sign, developers can make the choice to integrate a module to Facebook iD in their applications to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 .

A partnership has been reached with the social network to enable users of Microsoft solutions more easily identify with various applications in order to better share their actions on the network, but also to avoid multiple registration process . A facility that can attract users, but also allows developers to avoid having to manage accounts and personal data with the utmost care and security that entails.

On the other hand, Microsoft could lose as it has been several years that the company seeks to bring its users under the control of a “Microsoft " has become possible for all of its services, but also to access software and brand partners sites. Implemented from today, the module will fit in the days that come in a variety of applications including Foursquare, Photoshop Express, iHeartRadio and many others.

 Requested for several years by developers, Microsoft would have eventually folded. The side of the publishers, the benefits should be felt quickly, users are more clapboard to use their applications if they are able to interact with their Facebook account.

Eventually, Microsoft could also win out because the door open could allow it to retrieve new publishers and new applications so far refused to settle on its various platforms.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Quick Guide to Keeping Your Windows 8 Computer Free From Spyware

You've just bought a new computer that runs Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system. Everything's going great and smoothly: your new PC runs fast and doesn't overtly display any problems. Then, one day, all of that suddenly changes. Your PC is noticeably slower, and you abruptly notice that you have apparently installed some unwanted programs that you never remembered installing in the first place. What just happened? Simply, you were just victimized with some unwanted spyware intrusion on your computer. Here's how to keep your Windows 8 computer free from this scourge.

Use Some Anti-Spyware Software

The best and quickest remedy is the use of anti-spyware software. This is like using insecticide on bugs, only your problem is spyware on your computer. One of the more well known types of this software is Spybot. Spybot is cleaner software that removes extremely perilous spyware from your PC in a straightforward and easy manner. Another highly recommended software is Ad-aware, which also works to remove this scourge from your computer in a user-friendly way that's easy to get a handle on. When you're dealing with spyware, it's best to play it safe and not take chances.

Make Sure All Your Updates Are Working

One of the easiest ways you can keep your new Windows 8 computer free from spyware is by making sure that you update Windows immediately. Simply head to your computer's control panel and go to the Windows security center. There, just activate the automatic download and installation for updates option. In addition, you should also active your Windows firewall. This is only a possibility, though, if the new computer that you purchased did not come with either a third-party firewall or security suite. Making sure that you regularly update can mean the difference between your PC staying free of annoying spyware and having to deal with removing spyware from your computer when it's already too late.

Avoid Risky Internet Behavior In the First Place

You can really help yourself if you don't surf the Internet's riskiest websites in the first place. Some of the places that are known to distribute spyware and other unwanted things like viruses are those sites that possess explicit, illegal or illicit content. Examples would be porn sites and warez sites. Warez is basically free software. In other words, this is illegal because that "free" software is really pirated to begin with. So, if you exercise discipline and avoid these kinds of disreputable sites, you can do a lot to save yourself the trouble of being in a situation where you even have to think about removing spyware from your computer. This is really all that there is to making sure that you keep your Windows 8 computer free from spyware. It should be noted, though, that even the best anti-spyware software won't always catch all spyware on your computer. Thus, the best solution is to avoid risky Internet behavior, which involves abstaining from visiting disreputable sites full of spyware and viruses.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Windows 8 OS not up to the gamers demand!

      Not only Microsoft, the peoples of the gaming industry also had great hopes in Windows 8 but after one month of its release the gamers found that the new operating system have little response to their choice. Despite the novel design and latest features are there in Windows 8 but it is lack of gamblers expectations. Really Windows 8 is a revolution for Microsoft and for the first time they have applied the cross platform principles of Apple and the Smartphone, tablet, console and PC are linked through a unified user interface.

     The Windows 8 has to face a lot of criticism from the gaming industry even though it’s initial sales displays a good start. Even before the release of Windows 8 Newell commented negatively about its operating system and described the OS as a disaster. He quoted the following reason for it: Windows 8 is different from its predecessors and it is designed as a closed as similar to that of Apple. This implies that Microsoft controls fully on which users can install and what should not. Hence any one selling online games on Windows online store is subject to abide by the Microsoft’s controls and requirement as similar to that of the Apple, it believed.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Windows 8: tablets Asus, Acer and Toshiba announced next week

While Release Preview Windows 8 is available since yesterday, manufacturers are scrambling already at the gate to announce the first tablets compatible. According to Bloomberg, Asus, Acer and Toshiba are about to unveil models running on the next major OS from Microsoft. Acer and Toshiba will introduce two shelves equipped with ARM processors (Texas Instruments), while Asus will market products under Intel and others in the ARM.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Windows 8: Release Preview is here!

We were waiting for the weekend, but Microsoft has taken a step ahead: the new version of Windows 8 is available for download.

Remember that new in this version are many. It benefits including better support of multi-screen, a new tool chkdsk, an NTFS file system redesigned, and a unique menu for booting the computer after a system failure. Besides the new elements already present in the Consumer Preview, as the interface or the Windows Metro Store.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Windows 8: time for change has arrived

For several years, financial analysts, journalists and even users question the ability of Microsoft to innovate and reinvent themselves. And now suddenly arrives as Windows 8 ... and changes everything! The system changes the habits of users, change the perception and use of "Apps", change the programming techniques, changes give the market clouds the issue,

Friday, September 16, 2011

Windows 8: Microsoft makes Internet Explorer Flash 10

Metro version of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 8Microsoft made ​​a surprise yesterday by publishing a post on his blog dedicated to developers. The editor there said that the 10 version of Internet Explorer that run on the new interface of Windows 8 Metro will not accept Flash or Silverlight.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New file system for Windows 8

Microsoft had to abandon WinFS, a new file system that it had begun to develop for Windows Vista and which should also allow searching by Meta tags as permitted Spotlight on Mac OS X.

This was obviously only a postponement: looking closely at the beta version of Windows 8, which has leaked on the Net, Sandro Villinger was able to find the trace of a pilot named "NT Protogon FS driver.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Windows 8 will be available in 2012

Microsoft, currently working on Windows 8, announces that the new version of its operating system should be available in 2012. This is Steve Ballmer who said that, taking all tests at opposite and other experts who did not expect the system before late 2012 or early 2013.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Clues about Windows store

As the weeks, Windows 8 and its features become clearer. The new version leaked on the web, includes explicit references to a Windows Store, an online application.

It is difficult for Microsoft to maintain secrecy around the next version of its operating system. The last update date of the server version findable on the forums Beta Archive reveals elements related to the Windows Store.