Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts

Thursday 16 January 2014

Support for Windows XP is partly extended!

Windows XP

Microsoft announced earlier that April 8th 2014 will be the final closing for all updates for Windows XP but Microsoft announced surprisingly that Antivirus support goes into extra time until mid 2015 and it will be valid for all other updates also.

Microsoft says that the support for XP will be ended on 8 April 2014 and it has not changed and yet it is for Microsoft Security Essentials anti -virus updates to 14 July 2015 passed, the manufacturer has now informed in a press release on Technet . For enterprise customers, it is further definition updates for System Center Endpoint Protection, Forefront Client Security, Forefront Endpoint Protection, and give Windows Intune.

 The move comes not entirely unexpected. Almost all the businesses and people of XP are not switched to a different operating system for a long time. Still most of the people are using outdated operating system and it is around 14 percent of total computers in use in Europe alone, the U.S. Company said in December 2013.

To help businesses and consumers, promote the migration, the supply of anti -malware updates will now be extended considerably. Microsoft stressed, however, that the effectiveness of this measure is limited for which there will be no more updates operating system. Almost all companies running on Windows XP and they cannot be part them. Since most of the old software are not compactable on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Also the cost of upgrades of software industry is likely to deter many a company. With Windows 7 Professional license however, there is the free XP Mode. This virtual machine can help to continue working with old software. Nevertheless, there are cases where this does not help. There is no longer the XP Mode in Windows 8.

Monday 13 January 2014

Windows 9 coming in April 2015

Windows 9
Scheduled Windows8 update will be a new version of the Operating systems that will be announced in the Microsoft Developers conference according to the insider source.

 Microsoft wanted to bring to the market in April 2015 a new version of its Windows operating system. That will be announced by the U.S. software manufacturers Microsoft in April at the Build developer conference, Windows insider Paul Thurrott reported on his side Super Site For Windows.

The new operating system will be called Windows 9, Thurrot has learned from his sources. It will come on the market in April 2015. In December 2013 had become known that Microsoft is planning a major Windows update codenamed Threshold for spring 2015.

Threshold was actually as an update for Windows 8 Because of the bad reputation of Windows 8, Microsoft have decided to rename it because of its bad reputation. That is at least the current stand Threshold should again get a start menu, among other things.

Its abolition in Windows 8 had not gone well with the users. It will probably be three pre-release versions of Windows 9. However, it is not clear whether this will also be publicly available. Work on the new Windows will begin after the build. The developer conference will take place from 2 up to 4 April 2014 in San Francisco.

Friday 10 January 2014

First leaked screenshots of forth coming Windows 8.1 Update 1

Windows 8.1 Update 1

Windows 8.1 Update 1

Windows 8.1 Update 1
In 2014 and 2015; Windows users can look forward for the three major updates to their operating system. The smallest is going to happen in April for Windows 8.1 which is free according to the sources, which probably goes by the name "Windows 8.1 Update 1" or " Windows 8.1 2014 Update".

So far it is only known this much and there will be hardly visible innovations it seems. But Microsoft aims to improve system performance and provide more stability. Windows 8.1 Update 1 is therefore likely to closely resemble the previous service packs.

Already screenshots of a preliminary version of the update are leaked on the net. However, they show no changes compared to Windows 8.1. Only the version number of Internet Explorer 11 has increased slightly. According to the rumor, Microsoft will distribute this pre-release version from the third week of January for the first time to the selected partners.

Shortly thereafter, is thus to be expected the first leaks of the pre-release version. According to another insider, the final output of the update is the end of March then on 1 April 2014 it will be freely available for all users to download - just in the time of Microsoft's developer conference this year.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Security Steps To Be Taken After Installing Windows Operating System

Windows Operating System
Windows operating system is one of the more renowned operating system in all time and it is installed over millions of home computers as well. In the world of technology, it is necessary for us to survive from the hackers around this globe and we need to hide our information without exposing in the internet. The default level of the windows operating system is not that much enough to secure your pc and you need to secure your personal computers by following the simple tips which are given below; so that you can prevent your pc from getting hacked.

Step 1: Install antivirus software to secure your Operating System

Installing antivirus software in your personal computer will secure your files and important information from the viruses and other malicious programs. This is the preliminary step to secure your personal pc from the hackers. Antivirus application provides a basic protection against the program which is used by the hackers. The most advised practice is to scan all the devices before performing any sort of actions in those devices. Having Microsoft essential will provide you the best detection steps for detecting and eliminating the unknown threats. Various levels of detection can be automatically removed from your device using these kinds of antivirus software.

Installing paid software will provide you’re the best detection than the free antivirus software.

Step 2: Automatic Updates

Automatic updates of operating system will provide you various patches and other upgrades for security loopholes that are found in the operating system. So it is necessary to update the operating system of your pc. The first and foremost thing you have to do after installing the operating system is to enable the automatic update options. Once this option has been enabled you operating system will be automatically updated whenever an update is available. Automatic updates for the operating system will provide regular patches and can get you all sort of security features for the operating system. If you were updating your operating system frequently, then you cannot easily get affected by the worms and other security problems.

So it is strongly advised to update very strongly, so that updating your operating system will secure your system.

Step 3: Change the browser

After installing the operating system, change the browser which is defaultly used by other applications. The windows operating system without any update will have so many vulnerabilities and loop holes. It allows the hackers to easily install many vulnerable codes into your personal computer which will affect various important files in your operating system. It is strongly advised to install Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox with latest update, which makes you to reduce your exposure in the internet. If you were using the Internet explorer, make sure your version is more than 8.

Using Internet Explorer with latest update will reduce your chance of getting hacked by the hackers.

Hope you will follow these simple tips after installing operating system in your personal computer.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Why most of the people love XP rather than other operating system

Windows XP
Windows XP is considered as a most operated operating system in the world. Most of the people are still using this operating system in this world. Even we can’t find anyone in this world without knowing XP operating system, I mean among the literal guys in the world. Windows XP was developed by the Microsoft Corporation which is considered as the best operating system by most of the computer geek around us. Even Microsoft Corporation has developed and released Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 too, Windows XP is loved by most of the people and it is the most loved operating system by everyone. Even Microsoft Corporation has stopped the support for Windows XP operating system; people are still using that operating system for most of the purposes.

But most of the people don’t know what makes people to love the Windows XP operating system? And also they were searching for the reason for that. I have noticed that few of the people are requesting the sellers to reformat the built-in Windows 7 operating system and asking to install windows XP in it. This thing is very mystery for most of the people; but now we have analyzed the reason for the popularity of the Windows XP operating system. Here I have listed the reasons why most of the people love to work with Windows XP operating system and here they are;

1. Hardware Requirements for Newer operating system

We know that newer versions of operating system will require more memory and in order to work with the newer operating system we need to provide better hardware capabilities for your personal computer. So, the newer operating system will run smoothly on your local machine. And one more thing is that, newer operating system requires dual amount of graphics support to run an application. For instance, Running NFS underground in Windows XP will require 256 MB of video card. But in the same time, this application will take 512 MB of video card in Windows 7 operating system. So hardware is one of the reasons which make the people to stick with windows XP.

2. Don’t have much information about the other operating system:

It is another reason which makes the people stick with the Windows XP operating system. Some of them will rarely use the computers so that they never know about the other operating system available in the market.

3. Cost of newer OS

The cost of the other operating system will cost more and people who’re running institutions and schools cannot afford operating system for all computers. So, they will go for windows XP operating system for lower cost.

4. Software Compatibility

Most of the designers were coding the software for the windows XP operating system and the latest operating system has more compatibility issues. This makes the people to stick with the Window XP operating system and they use them for more efficient tasking too.

Saturday 21 December 2013

How to install Windows 7 using USB

Windows 7 via USB
You don’t necessarily need an OS CD to install your OS into your computer. USB is more than enough. The activity is similar of transferring files to your computer but that can’t say it’s an easy job. Installing OS is a matter of patience.

This method is highly useful where you have a PC which doesn’t have a DVD drive or a tablet or any notebook that has ports only for connecting USB’s.


• A 4GB USB flash Drive. Know the details about the flash drive. (Know the details about your USB)

• Installation Files either from a DVD drive or an access to a computer which has Windows 7 that is working properly.

Note: This process consumes around an hour.

Before copying the installation files into your USB format it and make it into a bootable device.

Open a command prompt and run it as administrator. If you don’t know then search cmd.exe in start and select it. Do a right click and select run as administrator as shown:
Step 1

The following steps might be easy to guide you in the installation process. It involves installation in the command prompt mode.


First copy the contents of the USB to a safe location in your computer. Now go to “Command Prompt mode.” Type cmd and press ctrl+shift+enter (else)

Go to Start ->Programs ->Accessories ->Command prompt -> select run as Administrator


First type “list disk” to list the number of active devices in your device.

Next type the following commands once at a time and give some time after one command so that it executes it.
Type “DISKPART” and you get the following message

Note down the disk number. Here the disk number is 1.
Step 2

So type the following commands as shown.

SELECT DISK 1 (where 1 is the disk number or in here it is the USB number)

CLEAN (removes existing partitions including hidden sectors)

CREATEPARTITION PRIMARY (creates a new partition with default parameters)

SELECT PARTITION 1 (It focuses on the newly created partition)

ACTIVE (makes this partition active)

FORMAT FS=NTFS (takes time to format the disc depends on the size of USB)

ASSIGN(it assigns a number to USB. Note down it)

EXIT(quits diskpart tool)

Now you’ll get a window shown as follows.

Friday 20 December 2013

Windows 8.2 Rumors: New Start Menu Back

Windows 8.2
Windows 8.2 gets the start menu back. The next major Windows update code-named "Threshold" to be completed in the spring of 2015 and put back more to the classic Windows. Unconfirmed, but very authentic, rumored to be the familiar Start menu should come back to facilitate the users to switch from Windows 7.

In addition to Metro style apps that do not run only in full screen mode, but can also be used on the desktop in a window. Whether the tile surface can be completely banish from a desktop PC at the request or the user can select when setting up his favorite surface is not fixed yet. Already an interim update for Windows 8.1 is intended to give the beginning of 2014 is planned.

Here, it is speculated, Microsoft could already integrate a mini- version of the start menu that provides access to the main functions. In future versions of Windows, Microsoft is supposed to take a three-pronged strategy that is "modern" look, which is to run on Smartphones and tablets, along with a classic desktop version and a version for commercial use.

The desktop version could then come along completely without Metro Painting, the business version, in contrast, offer a choice or operate both worlds parallel. To save development work and also to bring new releases to market faster, the three new versions of Windows is to share a kernel. Who uses Windows 8 or 8.1 and without the classic start menu cannot do, need not have to wait for the next version of Windows.

Already there are numerous tools that bring the classic start menu to the desktop, such as Shell or Classic Start Menu 8 Who else wants to try, since Metro style apps more fun in windowed mode, Modern Mix can use. But that is only free for 30 days. The revived with 8.1 start button leads to the controversial startup screen, which was introduced with Windows 8.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

The Start menu will be back in Desktop optimized version of Windows 8.2

Start menu in Windows 8.2
Current rumor is that Microsoft is considering to bring back the Start menu and let Metro style apps run in windows on the desktop. Hence The next Windows update could set the desktop again closer to the center again. It's still a while to go until the traded under the code name Threshold Windows update will be released in the spring of 2015, but even now make first details on Microsoft's plans around.

So will a blogger Mery Jo Foley learned that Microsoft called three SKUs ie it brings three versions of Windows in the market that use a common core, but are optimized for different applications. However, and it Foley points out explicitly, can still change these plans, not least in view of the large changes in the Microsoft management. Thus, a "Modern - SKU" for end users is planned at the stand , the new WinRT apps in the foreground.

It will run on ARM and Intel processors and is regularly updated through the Windows Store. This variant could then run on smartphones and tablets as well as in PCs. Depending on the device, a desktop might be included Win32 apps are not available for this SKU but in the foreground. This would then Windows RT and Windows Phone merge into a new version of Windows. In addition, there will be a traditional option for customers, aiming at the current PC market.

The customer could include a customizable desktop and can be operated well with mouse and keyboard. This version will be updated regularly on the Windows Store. Third, a traditional SKU is planned for companies that bring back all the old management features and support for Win32 apps in a desktop environment. This variant is to run primarily on traditional PCs, and on tablets and other devices and support Modern apps from the Windows Store.

Maybe Microsoft will offer this option, only volume licensees. In addition, this version should be updated less frequently to accommodate businesses that do not want automatic updates. Meanwhile, also citing sources within Microsoft , Metro apps will run under Threshold in windows on the desktop, so that multiple apps can be used in parallel. Microsoft also plan to keep the start button also as the the traditional start menu in Windows 8 as optional.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

5 Security Steps To Be Taken After Installing Windows

Windows 8 security steps
As you all know windows operating system is been used by millions and millions of pc users. It has occupied 92% of the pc used all over the world. The drawback is that most of us use pirated version of windows which has a lot of security issues associated with it. Here are some useful security advices in order to effectively use your operating system.
It is very important to check on whether the automatic updates are switched on after installing your windows. As the operating system you are using is periodically put to test by the manufacturer of your os ie, Microsoft. Updates play a vital role even in case of pirated versions so that your operating system functions in an efficient manner and your pc will not be prone to be hacked.
The second most important security to be taken after the installation of your operating system which is avoided by most of the users is to install an antivirus. Antivirus software protects your pc from malwares and enables you to scan your devices and softwares before you install them. As the world in which your pc prevails is very dangerous and it becomes prone to a lot of problems and viruses and you can find a lot of security measures(antivirus) in the same world too.
Be aware that the software you are using up to date and make sure that they are latest version. You may download various software and files from internet and you may need latest software in your system even to open the downloaded software. The main reason for using updated version of software is that the hackers won’t be so well versed with the latest version of the software and you are prevented from being prone to be hacked.
Be sure that the browser you are using is the latest version and up to date. Most of the windows users will have internet explorer 6 as their default browser and they don’t get chance to update their browser so that it is a better idea to change their default browser to latest and popular ones such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as the older version of browser you are using have many number of loop holes and they become more prone to hacking.
As soon as you install your windows operating system setup password enabled security controls so that files you have in your pc can’t be accessed by any one physically and also setup parental controls for your pc. Setting up password protection for your pc helps you to prevent you from loss of data and files. There are much software’s available in the internet for increasing the speed of your windows operating system. To increase the speed of your os all you need to do is to download the software and install it.

New Release of Windows Phone 8 Update Arrives

Driving mode
Microsoft announced today on his blog that the next major update to Windows Phone 8 will be available soon to the general public and in next few hours to registered developers. And I must say that this update is enticing. Among other things, it will include, support high - resolution and larger screens (MS talks about future Windows Phone with 1080p screens of 5” and 6 ", displaying a row of up to six live tiles instead of 4 now), compatibility with the Qualcomm 8974 quad- heart, a new feature called " driving mode "which will allow you processors, open quotes to" get from point a to point B with the least possible distractions.

Operating via Bluetooth, the Driving limit the number of notifications, such as messages, calls and alerts until you reach destination. “Note that “you can even configure the Driving to send automatic replies to people who call you or write when you’re behind the wheel, telling them that you contact them as soon as possible.”

 Also, a connection sharing between Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 device will be simplified. In a more general way, this update will include "hundreds of fixes and improvements”, custom ringtones, the ability to block the screen rotation, improved memory management, the ability to simply close its applications (since multitasking display), Wi-Fi from the start, or even better Bluetooth.

 This Update will begin to be deployed in the coming weeks until the end of the year. Developers with a Dev Center account, an App account studio or developer unlocked phone will have the update tomorrow.

Friday 30 August 2013

Windows 9 with Aero Interface Beta in January

The latest information about Windows 9 come to light, According to Microsoft insiders WZOR Windows 9 will be available in 2014. As already planned final release will be in November, and the beta version launch will be in January and the RTM status will be reached subsequently in mid-year. In terms of features, the appearance will change according to the information available. After all, Microsoft is working to return the Aero interface of Windows 7, which should, however, be very different from the other version. Even with Windows 10 already seems WZOR to know details: This version of Windows is to bring significantly more changes than Windows 9 and move the operating system further into the cloud. So it could be completely possible via the browser to access all Windows 10 devices. Initial concepts for this are going to be presented on 1 September internally at Microsoft.

 So Windows 9 could reappear as a pure desktop operating system since Windows Phone to run on Smartphones and tablets in the future. The Windows desktop would move away again by the touch operation - and belong to tile optics, apps and more surfaces of the past. Positive side effect is that an overview of Windows Phone, Windows 8 and Windows RT would eases somewhat. Windows Phone was not significantly increase its market share compared to Android and iOS itself from this major upgrade to Version 8. Even worse , it looks at Windows RT: While adopt more and more OEM partners from the slimmed Windows 8, Microsoft had the in-house Surface RT recently reduced by a further 150 Euros to boost sales. The ModernUI design is intended to be either greatly altered or completely replaced. The frustration of the Windows 8 user was finally big enough to bring back seemingly redundant content as the desktop start-up and at least a symbolic start button. Windows Phone also makes more sense than the double solution with Windows 8 and RT as a responsible OS for all touch devices.

Friday 17 May 2013

Microsoft sends out ten security updates in May Patch!

Windows issued a new patch of ten security updates for its users on last Tuesday. They include crucial check for their critical vulnerabilities in Microsoft software. May Patch updates checks the Microsoft plugs for any critical security flaws in Windows operating systems. Microsoft provides with May's Patch Tuesday security updates totally ten, of which two ranks by the company as critical one, and the other eight as important one. These updates fix 33 vulnerabilities in all Microsoft operating systems from Windows XP to Office packages, Internet Explorer, as well as in special server programs. Patch MS13-038, there is finally an update that irons out the serious security problem in IE 8 - previously, users had a "fix-it" make do. Microsoft also provides a fresh version of the "Malicious Software Removal Tool" (32 bit, 64 bit). The patch MS13-037 resolves eleven privately reported vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. The most severe vulnerabilities allow remote code execution if a user views a specially crafted Web page using Internet Explorer. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerabilities acquired in circumstances using the same user rights as the current user. For users whose accounts are configured to have fewer privileges, have less impacted than users who operate with administrative privileges. Microsoft's Tuesday Patch is usually on the second Tuesday of each month instead - so the following patch day is on 11 June 2013. The security updates will install automatically with the appropriate pre with active Internet connection.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Tablet Market: Android vs Windows

Windows and Android tablet are the most widely held tablet gadgets in the world today. Android for instance is the most all the rage mobile platform in the world. Microsoft on the other hand is not left behind, Their Windows Surface tablet is available in two versions; one uses the Windows 8 operating system while the other Windows RT. Both have the ease to enable users to navigate on the screen using either a mouse or keyboard, or with the use of a touch gesture which is on the screen using a finger.

Primed as a different era of technology, companies are being competitive with their range of products they have to offer in the market. Let's focus our attention on Android and Windows tablet and see what new exciting features they bring on the table for the lovers of technology around the world.

You will be excited to experience the different types of new amazing tablets on the market, Android and Windows. Android tablet runs on the Android operating system, Android tablets have plenty of amazing features to offer. With this devices you can access all the exciting Google apps you have heard of. We have over 600,000 apps and games available on the Google play. All these are for your entertainment alongside thousands of books and movies to keep you glued to your new electronic device. Browse fast and efficiently on your Android tablet using chrome; access your web pages faster and efficiently than ever before. Enjoy and experience the power of Google search on the go.

With Android tablet, you can seamlessly and quickly switch between apps and pick up whatever you were working on before. Managing multiple tasks simultaneously on a Windows and Android tablet device has never been easier.

Microsoft has never been left behind either. With their new Windows 8 tablet, there is only so much you can do. In the emerging mobile computing era, the genius of technology and creativity of device makers can be interesting. The world has just become a global village with these new ranges of devices. Accessing the internet has never been easier; communication has become simpler and efficient. Microsoft sells its own range of Microsoft Windows 8 RT tablet. It measures 9.3mm thick. Its surface is built around magnesium casing that weighs less than 1.4 pounds, comes with an NVIDIA- inbuilt ARM chip which powers it. Microsoft's-hardware partner went an extra mile to do some extra touches, this includes: A built-in stand, aduo 2x2 MIMO antennas for wireless fidelity 10.6-inch optical HD display comes with a magnesium attached cover, which protects this awesome device; it includes a track pad and a full multitouch keypad. As for extension, it comes with one each of microSD, HDMI and USB 2.0, in addition a64GB or 32GB storage, while software comprises the usual Windows 8 accessory and a new version of Netflix.

Given the changing aspects of emerging trends invigorated by consumer tastes and preferences, industry players are spending more time in developing new and amazing products, on Windows and Android platforms. In the near future i predict dominance is the same.
Harvey Norman Singapore offers Android tablet and Windows tablet models in various sizes, from top manufacturers like Samsung, Asus, Sony, and more.

Friday 7 December 2012

Windows 8 OS not up to the gamers demand!

      Not only Microsoft, the peoples of the gaming industry also had great hopes in Windows 8 but after one month of its release the gamers found that the new operating system have little response to their choice. Despite the novel design and latest features are there in Windows 8 but it is lack of gamblers expectations. Really Windows 8 is a revolution for Microsoft and for the first time they have applied the cross platform principles of Apple and the Smartphone, tablet, console and PC are linked through a unified user interface.

     The Windows 8 has to face a lot of criticism from the gaming industry even though it’s initial sales displays a good start. Even before the release of Windows 8 Newell commented negatively about its operating system and described the OS as a disaster. He quoted the following reason for it: Windows 8 is different from its predecessors and it is designed as a closed as similar to that of Apple. This implies that Microsoft controls fully on which users can install and what should not. Hence any one selling online games on Windows online store is subject to abide by the Microsoft’s controls and requirement as similar to that of the Apple, it believed.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Windows 8: time for change has arrived

For several years, financial analysts, journalists and even users question the ability of Microsoft to innovate and reinvent themselves. And now suddenly arrives as Windows 8 ... and changes everything! The system changes the habits of users, change the perception and use of "Apps", change the programming techniques, changes give the market clouds the issue,