Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Largest Hybrid Flywheel Battery Project to Help Grid Respond to Energy Demand

 Flywheel Battery

The Biggest Innovation of Hybrid Flywheels to Satiate the Demand of Energy.

The engineers from the university of Sheffield are up for a biggest venture till date that would compensate the ever-growing demand of energy till date. To meet this venture Europe’s biggest and UK’s the very ancient flywheel system induced by battery will be coming together to the grids of United Kingdom and Irish that will enable to meet the demand of energy with adaptable Balanced Energy and Freqcon.

A project of 4 million euro, with 2.9 million is being developed for this innovative measure of developing hybrid flywheel battery that would provide hybridized storage of energy with aiming at balancing of excessive power in Europe on the prevailing grid infrastructure.

Wheels to fly work by stabilizing a rotor to a maximum speed using electrical energy that effectively stores the energy within the system as a rotational energy; so, that it can be converted back to electricity whenever required. Flywheels don’t degenerate over time in comparison to batteries that degenerate over time. Thus, the combination of two uplifts the system supporting storage to function more marvelously and it also minimizes according to the lifetime of the system. This seems to be the most effective formula that would give a new dimension to the production of batteries.

This latest technology initiated by Schwungrad Energie Limited, includes Adaptive Balancing Power Gmbh who is sure to guarantee dynamic flywheel technology. Freqcon Gmbh has assured that they are sure to build amazing adaptable power converters that can connect the flywheel to grids.

A noted professor called Dr. Dan Gladwin belonging from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; University of Sheffield has confirmed that the United Kingdom national grid is progressing towards being volatile because of the increasing non-perishable sources of energy. This would have the capability to indulge itself in manipulating differentiations from the minimal 50Hz frequency or as per the demand is.

Technologies related to Battery and flywheel has the potential to provide immediate responses, and can also travel energy induced by this technology to be both adaptive and responsive in times of fluctuating frequency.

The facility of hybrid flywheel battery is reported to be put up in Ireland first, which would be foreseen by Energie of Schwungrad at their very hybrid flywheel battery facility, which has already led to the expansion of high demonstrable projects, in combination to EirGrid. Hybrid flywheel battery has the power to support the power of 500kW and can also store 10kWh energy all throughout.

Further reports are such that shows progress in terms of Hybrid flywheel battery is still going on and it will upgrade to offer 1MW of power and 20KWH storage of energy and can also be used to provide hybridized form of energy storage with the aid of batteries which would locate responsive frequency services.

The way the progress in terms of flywheels is taking place, in no time this would emerge as a valuable innovation which would be capable of satiating the ever increasing demands of energy all throughout the world that too in a much volatile way.

Fast and Direct Vehicle Charging with Solar Energy

High Speed Charger – Cars Charged From Solar Panels

Solar vehicle, an electric means of transportation is driven totally or considerably through direct solar energy wherein photovoltaic – PV cells comprising of solar panel alters the energy of the sun directly into electric energy.Solar power could be utilised in providing power for communication or controls or also for other auxiliary operations.

At the moment, solar vehicle are not retailed as real regular conveyance device but mostly demonstration vehicles and engineering exercises that are frequently sponsored by government agencies. But indirectly solar-charged vehicles are said to be prevalent and solar boats are now made commercially available. Solar cars tend to be influenced by PV cells in converting sunlight into electricity in driving electric motors.

Similarly solar thermal energy that has a tendency of converting solar energy to heat, PV cells directly converts sunlight into electricity. Electric cars can be considered as sustainable if they tend to be charged utilising power which has been created sustainably. TU Delft in association with the company Power Research Electronics has developed a high speed charger which tends to allow cars to be charged with power directly from solar panels.

Vehicle-to-Grid System

This means that the electricity network is not required as a provisional stage for charging. Besides this, the scheme tends to work in two ways. The electric car can be charged with solar power and the energy from the charged car battery can be used as well to supply your house with electricity.

A system for charging electric vehicles directly with power from solar panels was demonstrated at the TU Delft Research Exhibition on 6th and 7th June’ 2017. Technology News regarding this was provided by Prof. Pavol Bauer from TU Delft who commented that solar panels tend to generate direct current which is essentially required in converting to alternating current before it is utilised to charge an electric car.

With the charger – 10 kW, which is no longer essential,this seems to mark a main step forward. He further added that in the Vehicle-to-Grid system, one could also go in any direction based on what is favoured at the time.

Possibility of Predicting Supply of Solar Energy

This would mean that one could also supply your home with power from the battery of the car. Besides this, there is also a possibility of delivering electricity back to the grid, though it may need conversion into alternating current.

The structure can be extended by connecting various chargers together with solar panels together and in the near future it could support business parks as well as residential districts in supplying electricity in a new manner, partially separating from the electricity grid.

 According to Bauer, another main benefit is that the structure tends to be smart. Information together with predictions regarding the present situation on the electricity market is taken into account. To some extent, there is a possibility of predicting the supply of solar energy.

Should there be an oversupply of solar power, the price tends to fall and vice versa and depending on this, one could make a choice for the smartest energy consumption plan.Twenty-high-speed chargers of this kind have been produced by Power Research Electronics and the company anticipates the system to be available towards the end of this year.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Three Tech-Based Strategies That Can Help Your Company Grow

It's no secret that technological devices and services can be deployed to make a company more savvy and successful. Yet not all business owners have tapped into the power of using technology to grow their companies. If this is the case for you, now is the time to hop on the technology bandwagon. Below you'll find three tech-based strategies that will help you do so:

1. Optimize Your Staff's Technological Proficiency. 

One tech-based strategy that can keep your organization on the road to growth is optimizing your staff's technological proficiency. This technique is empowering because it can help your company complete daily operations with greater skill and speed. Optimizing each employee's technological proficiency can also make staff members more qualified for promotions, thereby increasing your ability to promote from within rather than hiring an individual who doesn't know anything about your company culture and its methodologies. Luckily, there are hundreds and hundreds of strategies you can implement to enhance each employee's proficiency with technology. One is teaching them how to do internet research to find ideal suppliers when you're in need of equipment. By learning how to do internet research, employees can visit the website of a company such as Mil-tek to learn more about the balers and compactors they offer.

2. Start Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software.

In addition to optimizing your staff's technological proficiency, make sure that you start using CRM software. Using CRM software can benefit your organization in many ways. First, this software can be used to expedite and optimize key business-building processes such as sales automation and lead generation. Additionally, CRM software enables your marketing team to store important customer data in a centralized location that other staff members can access before interfacing with the client!

3. Develop A Savvy Online Presence.

One final tech-based strategy you can implement to make your business more successful is developing a savvy online presence. This technique is effective because it helps your organization maintain a cutting edge image while also enabling you to constantly connect with individuals who may not have been exposed to your brand through offline advertising methods. Some of the digital services that a marketing team might deploy to optimize your internet image include web design and development, content marketing, social media optimization, and email marketing.

Become A More Tech-Savvy Business Now! 

If you're ready to make your business more successful and savvy in 2017, now is the time to get started. You can use some or all of the tech-savvy techniques offered for you above to get the growth process underway immediately!

Google Reveals Object Identification Software Using Phone Camera

Google CEO


The world is changing fast and with the latest technological inception, everything has become automated. The automation made many things easier for us. The software and the tech companies have paved the way for a better future. Well, recently the mega company Google came up with the idea of object identification software. This can be used using our camera.


In the last conference held by the CEO Mr. Pichai, it was announced that a new tool has been devised for the users to get more information about any sort of object whenever you point your camera towards it. Well, it is really exceptional as you may not be knowing everything when you are in a foreign land and this would save you a lot.

The name is Google lens which takes into consideration the combination of both the image recognition and the AI in order to answer the questions about anything with the help of photographs obviously. The object identification software will make your jobs and tasks easy. Well, you have to wait for the exciting feature as it is still waiting to be included in the virtual helper of the company and that is Google Assistant. The object identification software will surely change the perception of the human kind.


The company states that the software would help the multitude in order to recognise the object ranging from food to any handmade crafts works. Well, it can also act as a medium to route images while getting connected to the router. You can do this by simply taking the picture of the password of the router and the rest is assured.

This is really incredible as you won’t have to take the pain to type the password. By taking the picture is enough to get connected to the wireless network. The project was unveiled in the headquarter of the Google conference I/O. The object identification software will be pretty handy when you are travelling and also you are a shutterbug. The object identification software will enhance your knowledge as well.


We are all moving fast and are trying our best to keep pace with the latest technology. The world is moving to the era of the Artificial Intelligence and we have to adapt fast. This was advised by the CEO Sundar Pichai in the conference that was organised last Wednesday in the headquarter of the Google. Everyone in the technological department is embracing it and we have to follow the same path.

There are future aspects and also future projects coming from the tech giant which promises to change the world a great deal. It was stated that Google Home smart speaker would be efficient to make the voice call. Well, if we think of future everything would become automated and we would be enjoying our lives on a couch. The tech giant Google is really taking the world forward in a different path and we are fortunate.

Leaked FaceBook Rule Book States What is not allowed on Social Media

FaceBook Rule Book
Image Credit:  Guardian
The current generation is mostly found spending their maximum time on social networking sites and facebook is the most onymous in this regard. The very notion of posting an update on facebook frequently is what makes it even more gripping. The whole crux behind this idea is to get more likes and comment. More unique posts are directly proportional to more likes and comment. Social networking sites are applicable only for those updates that are society friendly and if one does not understand this then he or she is subjected to a vicious circle leading to cyber crime. Mark Zuckerberg has invented Facebook to connect people from all over the world via this platform, but its high time when he should launch a ‘facebook rule book’, to make a clear stratification of the do’s and don’ts as some are bent on misusing this platform for their anti-social nuisance which needs to be kept in check.

Keeping a strict watch on billions of users is next to impossible hence, putting forth of guidelines in this regard is an important move which is applicable both for the users and for the moderators, both before putting up a post and censoring a post respectively.

Some cases as per the ‘facebook rule book’ are:

  • One can share a video of an abortion taking place only if it is free from nudity as then only the issue of censorship arises. 
  • Sharing of animal or child abuse is allowed as it is done with an intention to educate the mass with the injustices incurred on them, but again too much use of graphic elements is a big NO as that makes the entire post very disturbing for the viewers. 
  • Videos or pics related to violent death can be posted with the underlying notion of educating the mass of certain ailments like mental illness, depression and many more. So, this would act as an awareness program. 
  • Threatening someone on this platform is strictly prohibited. You cannot abuse anyone here, neither raise question on someone’s character, as that is offensive. Life threatening someone is again a big No. 
  • You cannot use this platform to motivate people to do acts which are against the general norms of being a human. Provoking someone to take up terrorism is severely offensive and if found guilty you can face severe consequences.
These are certain guidelines that facebook moderators have put up as Facebook Rule Book that every user using this platform needs to abide by. The whole crux behind these guideline is, that as long you are posting something which can result in creating awareness for the general mass till then your post is justified on moral grounds and if even once you go cross your limits facebook officials are liable to take severe action against you which may also lead to face judicial consequences if your post is degraded to that level. Power of Speech and thought is granted by our constitution and by Facebook until it does not go against the general code of conduct.