Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Two factor authentications happen on Windows Azure

With Security service, Active Authentication must allow secured access to the cloud platform for its employees and partners. The director of Windows Azure, Sarah Fender, announced in a blog post from Microsoft a new service, Active Authentication, would bring strong authentication, multi-factor, the Microsoft cloud platform. This was expected for the Microsoft account, but not necessarily on the services dedicated to business. Two-factor authentication can be enabled now, for employees of a company, its partners or clients. Management is done on Windows Azure Active Directory, which manages the identities for several cloud services from Microsoft. The double-authentication therefore will work for Office 365, Windows Azure, Intune, Dynamics CRM, and other embedded applications with Windows Azure AD. The system set up is relatively straightforward; password on the website or mobile app and text for the second authentication by message. This obviously increases safety by reducing the potential for illegitimate access. The price of this service is not final, but we should expect $ 2 per user per month for one double authentication, or $ 2 every 10 authentications performed. A test period is implemented, those prices are halved.

Digg Going for its own RSS feed on 26th

Since the announcement of the closure of Google Reader, a popular reading service and synchronize RSS feeds, candidates to succeed him have multiplied. Among them, Digg has announced that early offer an alternative, but we had not yet seen the color, while the Google service will close in less than two weeks. In a new article, the site details the first beta version of its service which will also be launched on June 26. Limited, this first beta will target heavy users of RSS and it aims to offer a simple alternative, but functional Google Reader. Specifically, the Digg service will retrieve data from the Google and it will be available on the web and on the iPhone and iPad. The interface should be simple and clear and highlight the content; a mobile version will be available for those who do not have an iPhone. We should also find all the basic functions of a dedicated reading and flow synchronization services by including in a flow sharing section and organization records. After this beta to be released in extremis - hope that the launch will take place without quack ... - Digg has already planned improvements for its service. An Android application is provided, additional services will be integrated as Evernote or IFTTT and most advanced sorting and filtering tools are available. Still research and notifications are planned. Digg RSS is a paid, or rather freemium service. The basic functions will remain free, but can be a subscription that will unlock other features. Initially, however, the publisher intends to propose a viable alternative to Google Reader service. It will be hard to do while alternatives are already in place, especially since we do not know the position of the service API. Without it, Digg will never be integrated with third party software, like Reeder.

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Adobe Creative Cloud Is Available For Rent

As expected, Adobe sells from today the Creative Cloud successor to the Creative Suite offering. This new version abandons the boxed software or paid download in favor of new versions only available with a monthly subscription. As the editor explains on his blog, these new versions are also an opportunity to integrate hundreds of news. Adobe makes several advantages to the cloud which is now mandatory, including storing documents online (20 GB basic 100GB for trade services). To manage the synchronization of data and organize files, a new application appeared on your computer. With Creative Cloud, you can also synchronize the preferences of its software between computers, including Mac vs. your PC. The editor states that this software will evolve: term, Creative Cloud app should be real service synchronization with versioning to go back, but also the ability to share a folder with just a few users. These can comment shared and comments appear in the software elements. An iOS app is also provided to access files from a mobile device. Adobe has added other services to enrich its offering in the cloud. Integration with Behance a social sharing site which is dedicated to sharing creations and bought by the publisher last year is also made. We can send the work directly from the software that make up the suite in the cloud, with the advantage of automatically update the document when you edit on your computer. This service also allows you to quickly create an accessible like any portfolio site.

If you need training, Creative Cloud subscription provides access to hundreds of tutorials. The publisher announced that two hundred new features have been added to the database. Adobe also offers future full access to 700 Type kit fonts, you can see in this video integration service from Photoshop. Each software suite has been updated each time with dozens of new features, large and small. Not everything mentioned here, but Adobe has updated the various pages of the website with the novelties presented often with videos. Photoshop CC example, there dozens of new features including a new filter sharpness, ability to edit vector shapes (rounded rectangles in particular), the selection of multiple vector shapes or a dedicated tool to reduce tremors of a camera. For more information, please refer to this article which referred in detail these developments. Many new programs Illustrator CC with, among others, a more advanced text editing tool which manages each letter independently search module fonts and synchronization of fonts from Typekit, import multiple files at once and export CSS or color synchronization with iPhone application. Integrated into the Adobe cloud the Digital Publishing Suite, Single Edition adds features to InDesign to create DC iPad applications.

The editor says that it is not necessary to type a single line of code to obtain a ready application to use. About this software, the publisher also mentions increased performance through the transition to 64-bit, a modernized and more consistent interface, management Retina screens, looking for fonts and the ability to select as favorites or creating QR codes. In another area, Premiere Pro CC improves too. Editing your video is more accurate with a revised timeline, the software makes it easier to find the original source files that make up your installation, you can control the audio more precisely, you can use the Apple ProRes and the engine has been revised with the OpenCL and CUDA to accelerate treatment management. If you create websites, Dreamweaver CC incorporates some new features, including an improved CSS editor to quickly create gradients or shadows, the ability to create websites responsive (automatically adapted to every screen size) faster or the integration of jQuery UI widgets or management CSS3 transitions.

For smaller needs, Muse DC also changing; Creative integration of cloud services including Behance, adding a parallax effect very fashionable to scroll (below) or the ability to change the site from the browser and sending the changes to the software. The Creative Cloud is only available with a monthly subscription; you cannot buy it once and use it for life. The editor has been simplified to maximize its fee schedule, even if Adobe should consider special cases, including businesses. This subscription does not mean that you need a permanent internet access. In fact, it will always download locally the software you want to use, Adobe says you can disconnect once it's done. The only constraint is a connection about month to verify that you can still use the Creative Cloud. If your subscription is no longer valid, the software will not work from that time. In return, you have free access to all the news while you remain subscribed.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Facebook may unveil its own RSS reader

The number one social network Face book will hold a press conference on Thursday to introduce a new service. It could be an RSS reader, traces of which were found in the code of Facebook pages. On July 1, the RSS reader Google Reader will be decommissioned to the chagrin of users, but for the satisfaction of the competition was quickly positioned to take over. But Digg, Feedly, Flipboard, Taptu Leed and others may well see a very serious rival is none other than Facebook. Last week, a young developer has found references to an RSS feed in the code of social network which suggests an alternative to Google Reader is in preparation. Moreover, Facebook has announced it will hold a press conference on June 20 to unveil a "big idea". To imagine that there is the famous RSS reader, there is a step that the specialized press immediately crossed. Cleverly integrated into the interface, such a tool would sense because it would allow Facebook to further centralize some content consumption of its members. Appointment is given on Thursday to verify all.