Saturday, 22 June 2013
Mozilla postponed blocking third party cookies in Firefox
Firefox 22 (currently in beta), blocking third-party cookies by default was finally withdrawn by Mozilla few weeks later. The foundation is explained yesterday on the walk back. In February, the announcement of block cookies by default in Firefox deposited by sites that have not been visited by the user provoked an outcry from advertising companies. The Interactive Advertising Bureau, an organization that promotes interactive advertising, spoke of "nuclear attack" against the industry pub. Ultimately, the default blocking disappeared last month in the first beta version of Firefox 22. Sid Stamm, Privacy Officer, had indicated that measure its impact "was not as simple as they had imagined already.”
Brendan Eich, chief technology officer of the foundation, came back yesterday with more detail the reasons for the postponement. Mozilla has faced two problems with this function. On the one hand, false positives, for example, if the user visits the site, Firefox blocks cookies, and then it is the same company behind the two sites. On the other hand, false negatives, visit once a site does not mean that we agree to follow all over the Internet you are. You can click on inadvertently pub. Mozilla is working to address these issues and it is associated with the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford. Cookie Clearinghouse, a service that centralizes a list of obstacles and other permissions will be tested in Firefox. The default block third-party cookies - which are already operating in Safari on Mac and iOS - so may still take time to be integrated into the final version of the Mozilla browser. Meanwhile, the function can be tested with the version of Aurora.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
New feature on Facebook: Photo comments
Facebook gets a new feature; photo comments. Yes users can use Photos instead of text in their comments. Users can now insert images when they post a comment. Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words says hence Facebook added a new feature Photo comments. Facebook employee Bob Baldwin has made the new function public. Under his communication the users are allowed to insert photo comments as test Even though the photo comments do not work for all Facebook users right now and it will be done so gradually but the feature should be available everywhere. To attach a comment or a photo image, click on the User camera icon that appears on the right side of the comment box. From there you can drive and upload the desired image. Ashwin Bharambe, also a Facebook employee says in the thread that Chrome users can also insert images by copy and paste in the comment. Of course the text can be added as usual.
Feedly getting ready to celebrate the Google Reader retirement!
July 1, Google Reader, the most popular RSS reader used by many apps will stop working. Feedly, with a replacement solution is particularly very active in recent months and has just finalized its cloud and put online a web app. Last week, the iOS app inaugurated Feedly cloud infrastructure that allows the house to totally get rid of Google Reader. This time, Feedly cloud is finalized and available to all users. The company says that its infrastructure already covers more than 25 million RSS feeds and billions of items per day.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Playstation 4 Available From November 21st
The anticipation of the Playstation 4 has increased with the E3 presentation this past week with many gamers immeasurably. But how long do you have to wait for the console yet? If you believe a British newspaper, the Playstation 4 will appear on 21 November 2013. That at least is evident from an advertisement. Whether it is a confirmed date or just a shot in the dark, however, remains unclear for the time being. It would fit: On 29 November starting at least in the U.S., Black Friday, the traditional Christmas shopping and therefore the most profitable time of the year. What is an E3-opener. First, Microsoft opened the show with an impressive game show. Then Sony surprised the gaming world - and arguably the competition - with the Playstation 4 announcements. The console comes in 2013 for 399 Euros in the trade and is therefore 100 Euros cheaper than the Xbox one. Sony leaves in everything the same stuff used commercially. Players can lend or sell without having to accept any additional fees continue their games. And the Playstation 4 does not require online connection. No question, Sony has listened to the players in recent months. Furthermore, Sony has mentioned prices of some peripherals. Thus, you pay for a DualShock controller 4 59 Euros, the Playstation camera's for 49 Euros.
Official documents reveal technical details of New Nexus 7
Small and cheap tablets are selling like hot cakes and they are of more demand this is the reason enough for Google, the new Nexus 7 According to rumors, the successor is coming in July with a faster Processor, full HD display and a new Android system. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration for communications equipment (FCC) has published on its pages various documents also reveal technical details of the highly anticipated Nexus 7's successor. Accordingly, the device made by Asus carries the model designation K009 and houses similar hardware from the chip maker Qualcomm, as it is also found in the Nexus 4th Specific regard to the LTE-capable wireless chip "WTR 1605L" and the four-core processor from the "Snapdragon S4 Pro" series (APQ 8064). In contradiction to this, however, is a message of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, according to the newer Snapdragon processor 600 is installed in the second Nexus, as it is also found in the HTC One or partially in Samsung Galaxy S4. It remains unclear whether here the two are very similar model numbers have been confused (APQ-8064 and APQ-8064T) or the manufacturer for different regions is planning several model variations. A brief comparison of the two chips is that the performance differences in practice are likely to be barely noticeable. DigiTimes also now confirmed the information that AppleInsider has received several weeks ago to the second generation of the Nexus seventh Thus, more and more compacted that Asus and Google bring out the Nexus 7's successor in July 2013. According to DigiTimes, the tablet successor has heard the term "7s" and should be around 30 Euros or more expensive. However, the price adjustment due to higher quality components not successes, but to the direct price competition with entry-level tablets to avoid, the source continued. Thus, Google is targeting the device from the middle class. The high end of the manufacturer wants to leave Apple with the iPad mini. Asus reportedly offered to the Nexus a sharper display. Instead of 1280x800 pixels in the first generation is the successor to buyers can look forward to a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels. Also mounted on the rear side; a five megapixel camera to be on the first board. In order to continue to win the favor of the purchaser shall be stowed in a thinner frame, the technology of the successor. So that the appliance cannot be quickly out of breath, a 4000 milliamp-hour (mAh) strong battery is installed, you can also charge wirelessly. Usually Google presents new Nexus devices along with a new version of Android. Since Google has not been as expected for in-house developer conference, a new version of the mobile operating system shown, the Group remains its users on software side a little guilty. Therefore quite possible that the Internet giant along with the new Nexus 7 and Android 4.3 or even 5.0 version shows. As DigiTimes reports, the change is from Nvidia on Qualcomm processors not on price, because the two chips cost about the same. The reason should be that Nvidia can timely provide the latest-generation Tegra processor (Tegra 4) not to launch the Nexus seventh According to others, but the price will be crucial for the processor change.