Sunday, 21 July 2013

New version of Google Maps

Google updated its Maps service. A fresh design, especially the individuality is its paramount. The cards are tailored to the user and their individual needs and taste. Google released a new version of the map service Google maps. After extensive update of the desktop version also Android and iOS users now benefit from the revised maps. The software giant improved especially the navigation and the ability to discover new places. Only thing is the previous one; Latitude is no longer exists in the new version. Google provides the service but anyway from 9th August 2013 we hope. At the developer conference I / O Google unveiled several new features to Maps. The map service in the future not only looks different, it also gets new features. The search for a restaurant is about show the results immediately on the map. So far, they appeared in an additional column. Based on your Google+ circles or external evaluation services raises the map generates recommendations. Information about places and landmarks appear in info cards that visually oriented to Google Now. Previously, each user saw the same card. The new Google Maps provides individual cards for different users and needs. A small side road around the service appears only at a long zoom level. The road is important; however, to achieve a goal, Google highlights them. Moreover, the map adjusts to your need; with every vote or mark a favorite place Google Maps learns. They look like a card that is tailored to you.

 The route planner allows you to compare transport together. Google Maps tells you whether the subway the bike or the train hit a car on the way. Detailed settings to specify whether you want to avoid toll roads or other public transport prefer the bus. You can see at a glance how you get from A to B the fastest. From the Meatpacking District to the coffee shop - Google Maps knows the fastest route throughout the city. Within nine minutes driving if a car hits the subway it will be there. Even Google find a parking space included in the calculation. 3D views of the map service offered earlier. The new version, however, makes the installation of plug-ins necessary. The Google Earth integration requires only a modern browser with OpenGL support. Also for new; if you zoom out far enough, you can see which part of the earth, the sun shines, and where it is night. Even clouds represent the mapping service - in near real time. The group from Mountain View, photographed not only roads.

They granted long Street view insights including shops, underwater worlds and ski areas. The new version integrates the views better in the map service. So far, the images were only located hidden. A start date for the new maps has not yet mentioned by Google. At present, a closed testing phase is running. After you request an invitation, you may choose Google as a test candidate.

WhatsApp paid service for iPhone users

After half a year of silence, the developers of the successful messaging service report back with some new features. WhatsApp henceforth also asks the iPhone users annually to the checkout. In one of her rare blog entries, the makers of the popular Smartphone Messenger sent this time exclusively to owners of Apple's iPhone. Thus proclaims that this group of users from now pays 0.99 Euros a year. In the first 365 days, however, the use of the app is free. The makers promise a simplified payment model. The same conditions also apply to users of the Android version. For existing customers will remain the same. Have you already purchased the app for the iPhone, use them throughout their lives more for free. Thus, the conditions were created to continue to offer the ad-free service, the user had previously used. The WhatsApp team mentioned that in the long term would be to the communication service of the 21st century, with the new financial model, and this is now possible. To shock the user community not only with the message about higher costs without innovations, there is also a new version of WhatsApp. This offers the opportunity to save the chat history in iCloud. After reinstalling the app, the app retrieves your messages back from the cloud. Prerequisite: You must set up the storage of chat history on the Apple service once. In addition, access to WhatsApp has been improved for other developers. Third-party applications are so easy future access to the features of WhatsApp and can use them.

A Quick Guide to Keeping Your Windows 8 Computer Free From Spyware

You've just bought a new computer that runs Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system. Everything's going great and smoothly: your new PC runs fast and doesn't overtly display any problems. Then, one day, all of that suddenly changes. Your PC is noticeably slower, and you abruptly notice that you have apparently installed some unwanted programs that you never remembered installing in the first place. What just happened? Simply, you were just victimized with some unwanted spyware intrusion on your computer. Here's how to keep your Windows 8 computer free from this scourge.

Use Some Anti-Spyware Software

The best and quickest remedy is the use of anti-spyware software. This is like using insecticide on bugs, only your problem is spyware on your computer. One of the more well known types of this software is Spybot. Spybot is cleaner software that removes extremely perilous spyware from your PC in a straightforward and easy manner. Another highly recommended software is Ad-aware, which also works to remove this scourge from your computer in a user-friendly way that's easy to get a handle on. When you're dealing with spyware, it's best to play it safe and not take chances.

Make Sure All Your Updates Are Working

One of the easiest ways you can keep your new Windows 8 computer free from spyware is by making sure that you update Windows immediately. Simply head to your computer's control panel and go to the Windows security center. There, just activate the automatic download and installation for updates option. In addition, you should also active your Windows firewall. This is only a possibility, though, if the new computer that you purchased did not come with either a third-party firewall or security suite. Making sure that you regularly update can mean the difference between your PC staying free of annoying spyware and having to deal with removing spyware from your computer when it's already too late.

Avoid Risky Internet Behavior In the First Place

You can really help yourself if you don't surf the Internet's riskiest websites in the first place. Some of the places that are known to distribute spyware and other unwanted things like viruses are those sites that possess explicit, illegal or illicit content. Examples would be porn sites and warez sites. Warez is basically free software. In other words, this is illegal because that "free" software is really pirated to begin with. So, if you exercise discipline and avoid these kinds of disreputable sites, you can do a lot to save yourself the trouble of being in a situation where you even have to think about removing spyware from your computer. This is really all that there is to making sure that you keep your Windows 8 computer free from spyware. It should be noted, though, that even the best anti-spyware software won't always catch all spyware on your computer. Thus, the best solution is to avoid risky Internet behavior, which involves abstaining from visiting disreputable sites full of spyware and viruses.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Telescopic contact lenses magnify objects 2.8 times

You will not believe your eyes! Binoculars and other telescopes will be forgotten in a few years. Instead, it could be that we all have the ability to use telescopic lenses and thus significantly improve your vision, up to 2.8 times more than normal! A team of researchers from the Agency for advanced research projects of American Defense (DARPA) has published a study proposing the production of a new type of lens. Better than contact lenses to replace corrective lenses, these lenses no larger than 1 .17 mm can magnify the view up to 2.8 times more than normal. Passing on the outer edges of the lens, the light will "bounce" on a series of microscopic aluminum mirrors before being sent to the back of the retina, where the natural eye sensors receive the image to send to the brain. Tunnel vision may be possible by combining the use of such lenses of the 3D glasses to change the bias to the center of the lenses. These lenses are mainly thought to be used by older people whose eyesight fades quickly. If they seem very promising, they are still a bit far from ready. It should also address some issues such as image quality and especially the choice of materials that, under certain conditions, are not compatible with wearing over long periods. In any case, it makes us eager to see how these lenses can improve our vision and allow us to see beyond our eyes not currently allow. Have a view rivaling that of a raptor, a lynx or even Superman, it would be great!

Samsung unveils 20-megapixel WB110 bridge camera

Samsung's new bridge camera WB110 has a large zoom range and with an optical image stabilizer - for videos, it is sufficient. Samsung WB110: The bridge camera has a 26x zoom and optical image stabilizer. The lens Samsung WB110 features a 26x zoom. Converted into small format extends the focal length of 22.3 to 579.8 millimeters. These dimensions of the built optical image stabilizer are very important because such large focal lengths, no one can hold it in hand without aids such as a stand without shaking. Without stabilizer, the image section will always be in motion slightly. Samsung designed the WB110 from a CCD sensor to its size but the manufacturer makes no details yet. As information for now remains only the resolution of 20.2 megapixels. This would easily be enough for full HD video, but nevertheless, the Koreans have decided that the bridge camera captures only video in HD resolution. The screen on the back of the WB110 is three inches tall, and automatically adjusts its brightness to the lighting conditions of the environment. The light sensitivity of the camera ranges from ISO 80 to ISO 3200. In addition to "smart" recording programs, the bridge camera also holds a Live Panorama function. Samsung plans to release WB110 from July 2013 in market in two colours namely black and red. The suggested retail price is 229 Euros.