Friday, 30 August 2013

Career Opportunities in Welding

Welding is sometimes described as more of an art than a craft because so much of the refinements in techniques are learned over years of experience. The need for skilled welders who can work on products that don't lend themselves to robotic welding continues to grow. For those who are willing to work on a variety of materials in a range of situations, welding continues to be a field of challenges and opportunities.

Welding Operators

The growing reliance on robotic technologies is providing new opportunities for welders that have good skills with computer technology. Operating this equipment requires an understanding of the software and hardware these machines use to do production-type welding procedures on a variety of products. If you have experience on this equipment, you can be assured of employment in manufacturing areas around the country.

Welding Fabricators

For welder with blueprint and fabrication aptitude, the future is especially bright. Custom parts, machinery, vehicles and equipment often require specialized material and techniques that only welder-fabricators can provide. Understanding of basic fabrication techniques and related operations can get you a well-paying position in the metal fabricating industry. features many of the types of equipment used to do this type of work.

Construction Welders

The construction industry is seeing a boom in many areas of the world. As the population increases, new homes, industrial buildings and commercial structures are needed to provide jobs, products and services for these people. In many regions, construction practices require the use of steel and other metals to withstand climatic events. In the age of global climate change, the stability and durability of structures has particular importance. Structural welders can find any opportunities for employment throughout the world.

Welding Supervisors

Welders with managing aptitude can find a number of employment opportunities supervising workers in manufacturing, construction and related fields of welding. A thorough understanding of the equipment, hazards and employee safety issues of welding can help to keep workplaces functioning smoothly without injuries or accidents. Safety supervision is an important sub-group of this area of welding for those with an eye for detail and knowledge of welding operations.

Welding Inspectors

With greater and greater precision, the need for trained and experienced welding inspectors grows exponentially. This area of welding requires an understanding of metal tolerances and the ability to use inspection equipment. Welding inspectors are used on the production of medical, aeronautical, defense and electronics equipment worldwide.

Machinery Welders

Large equipment and machinery utilizes steel materials that frequently require repair and maintenance. Welders who can work on oil wells, agricultural machinery, processing machinery, power plants, ships and other large-scale equipment find many jobs with opportunities around the world. Typical welding equipment uses for these processes can be found at

Underwater Welders

Welding even affords those with a sense of adventure opportunities for challenging work as an underwater welder. These positions are for those who are in top physical condition and a love for diving. Special skills and aptitudes are necessary for this work, but the rewards are great, with technical challenges and high salaries that make it a highly desirable field of employment.
Mark Lathan is a construction foreman, and sports fanatic.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Researchers developed electronic Skin namely “Eskin”

Scientists at the University of Tokyo has been able to apply sensors on a thin, flexible sheet. The Eskin marked a breakthrough in the development of flexible electrical conductors. Modern Smart phone touch screens are easy to use and powerful, but previously it had one major drawback: they cannot be bent. Blame it on the most commonly used silicon chips. The "electronic skin", the researchers presented the University of Tokyo now, can bend, fold or crumple even - though the labels affixed to their sensors continue to work properly. The scientists succeeded, to a plastic film which is about 1.2 micrometers thick (20 times as thin as the cling film), vapor-touch sensitive circuits. The feather-light film can be attached to any object - even on our skin. The applications are numerous: A film could be used in future as an intelligent patch and constantly monitor the healing process, for example by the sensors measure the blood pressure or pulse. You can also apply to produce or to control a temperature by solar power. And The "Eskin" is of course also possible as an alternative to the commonly used today touch screen and controls on electronic devices. A similar invention comes from California, where scientists developed a film that is fatter compared to Eskin (such as a sheet of paper), but can do more. Already, working pressure sensitive sensors and small OLEDs are in it. If you touch the film, it begins to glow. Currently, it is still as a laboratory product, which is provided by the researcher only in very small quantities. Later, they can be developed at the University of Tokyo Austrian Martin Kaltenbrunner in bulk. And can offer such films as cheap as possible when mass production is started.

Bluetooth Speaker "Bose SoundLink Mini"

The segment of small Bluetooth speaker has flourished since the release of the Jawbone Jambox that somehow defined this category. The famous speaker manufacturer and Bose audio players do not make a mistake and he has released his own version with the SoundLink Mini. The SoundLink Mini is barely larger than the Jambox and its dimensions are quite reasonable for a small Bluetooth speaker. The product forms a parallelepiped with rounded edges 20 cm long and a little less than 6 inches wide and a little over 5 inches tall. The first thing that strikes you when you take the speaker in hand is its weight. We do not expect such a heavy object and in fact, the SoundLink Mini reached almost 700 grams on the scale, more than twice as much as its competitors. That's a lot and we are surprised the first time by the weight of the product. About build quality, it should be noted that the manufacturer has done a great job. Compact, its enclosure is built around an aluminum strip that completely surrounds the SoundLink Mini and contributes the perceived quality, its weight and solidity of the whole. The aluminum is thick enough to withstand minor impacts, even if we avoid dropping the speaker too. SoundLink Mini has two perfectly symmetrical faces with, in both cases, form not quite right sides. The base of the enclosure is a little narrower than the top and form gives a slightly retro look to the product. Difficult, in general, to be choosy: The enclosure is extremely well finished and very elegant. Bose has focused on control over all of its enclosure.

 A block in a darker gray distinguishes between the space allocated to control the name of the speaker is there, and six buttons. From left to right and has an ON / OFF button, which mutes, two buttons for volume control and finally two buttons to select the operating mode of the SoundLink Mini. The buttons are not aluminum, but in a soft and gray rubber. This provides a continuous strip of rubber and no spaces: one imagines that the enclosure will withstand a few drops of rain, even if it is not intended to be wet. These controls are fully assembled; they suffer no game and definitely participate in this general feeling of solidity. The two volume buttons stand out in all, which is very convenient for the spot. The other four, grouped both sides are distinguished by a line cut into the rubber so that you can completely manipulate the SoundLink Mini in total darkness. The black will not really be absolute if you use the speaker, since Bose has incorporated some of the LED device. Very discreet, these lights are first to know that the speaker is on: above the source (Bluetooth or auxiliary), a white LED appears continuously both to show the selected source and to indicate that the chamber works. The Bluetooth turns blue when the enclosure is configured to accept new connections.

 Above the mute button, a white LED will flash when the function is active. Finally, a light shaped battery lights at startup above the ON / OFF button on the Sound Link Mini. It takes three different colors depending on the battery status from green to red when it is time to load and it can also be viewed at any time by pressing the ignition button pressed. All is quiet and you can greet Bose effort to minimize the number of lights. The volume change for example is represented by a flashing LED associated with the source. The Mini also operates the SoundLink speaker to communicate with the user: there is thus a sound when the enclosure is connected to a Bluetooth source and another when it is (un) plugged in for recharging. About recharging the manufacturer provides a charger that can be plugged into the side, but a charging cradle on which we simply ask the speaker.

 This stand is a great idea and it is very pleasant in everyday life, even if it is designed with plastic poor quality and it is very light. It is far from the level of production of the Mini SoundLink itself, but this support has the merit to exist and it has done its job. On the right side of the accessory, two inputs can both charge the SoundLink Mini comes without support, but also connect to any Bluetooth device with a mini-jack input. Under his product, Bose arranged a wide rubber pad which serves both to protect the aluminum to keep the speaker in place and reduce vibration. A key point, as we shall see in the next section. The SoundLink Mini also has at this point the connector to the charging stand and a micro-USB connector used for any updates. Again, no cable is provided. The SoundLink Mini may well be very well built and quite strong, you will want to protect a minimum if you plan to use in extreme conditions. Bose has thought of everything and enjoy features that are reminiscent of the bumpers for iPhone 4 and 4S. Three colors are available (green, blue and orange) and they cost € 25 each time.

Samsung detailed more about its V-NAND and New SSD

Samsung recently unveiled memory chips NAND Flash V-operator a new architecture supposed to improve reliability and performance. At the same time, the manufacturer the opportunity to present a SSD of 960 GB, which is not unlike what has Crucial M500 series with her. A few days ago, Samsung showed that the mass production of memory chips NAND-Flash V (Vertical NAND), had begun. Unlike the conventional NAND using a 2D structure; the V-NAND is gaining height and it passes relief stacking layers. Up to 24 for the time the Samsung said. As stated in the presentation of the Flash Memory Summit, Samsung believes that the reduction of fine engraving comes to its limits. Besides the possibility to switch to alternatives such as TLC NAND and three bits per cell (rather than two), as explained in that other document, you must solve the problem of interference that are increasingly important as the transistor size is reduced. The structure type Floating Gate MOSFET (FGMOS) is set aside for the passage Charge Trap Flash (CTF) that is more reliable and better density. The whole is then stacked to provide chips that are still operating the same fine engraving, but are also able to hold more data.

Samsung announces and mentioned that it already produce faster SSDs consume less and less equivalent operating chip storage capacity. But the company is also focusing on to a strong impact of the arrival of this technology in the market and listing and expects an explosion of its orders on the business market and the general public in 2020. Unfortunately, the surprise and the announcement effect turn this time a little short, without details. Of course, we know they operate a S-ATA 6Gb / s, but the rates and IOPS are not specified. The manufacturer just announced that "960 GB version has the highest level of performance, with over 20% more sequential reading and writing through the use of 64 die of 3D V-MLC NAND, each with a storage capacity of 128 GB ". Finally, we just know that the SSD NAND-V are given for 35,000 erase cycles, which is particularly high because is generally between 3000 and 5000 cycles with conventional MLC chips. Now we have to wait until the first returns of independent tests to find out what it is exactly V-chip NAND and SSD exploiters. Samsung says that the production of these began at the beginning of the forthcoming year, so we will soon have more information.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Chrome 29 arrives with omnibox

Google has just put online version of Chrome 29 browser. As expected, it brings improvements of the Omnibox side, corrects not less than 25 security vulnerabilities while improving stability and performance. For its part, the OS X version finally takes advantage of the notification center. A little over a month after Chrome 28, Google continues its stride and has published the 29th version of its permanent home browser. As a reminder, it now operates its own rendering engine Blink, the Mountain View Company has decided to set aside Webkit to chart its own course. This version does not bring big surprises and resumes the main novelty announced with Chrome 29 beta. Thus, the Omnibox, the address bar that allows you to search, offers suggestions that want to be more relevant and which are based on the timing of your visit.

Users of Chrome for OS X can now enjoy the notification center that is available on Windows since the previous version of Chrome. The wait will finally not so very long. This is not the only novelty and Google announced that it is now possible to restore the profile to its original state. You must go to settings, display the advanced settings and click the "Reset Browser Settings" button. This will remove the extensions and themes, delete cookies, temporary as well as Tabs data, etc. As a advantage the list of your favorite and the saved passwords are not affected by this reset. As always, the overall performances have been revised upwards. In addition, no less than 25 security vulnerabilities have been corrected, with awards ranging from $ 500 to $ 1337 for those who discovered them.