Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Best Apps To Improve Android Browsing

More content on Mobile devices with improvements

Technology has been making great upgrades and improving the lifestyle of the individual bringing about improved devices enhancing the users’ experience in web browsing and surfing.

Browsing through Android devices has replaced a lot of desktop and laptop surfing which come with larger, better resolution screens, together with Wi-Fi and data plans besides more mobile products to suit the need of the user.

More content on mobile devices is presently the trend among many users which has now become convenient and easy to access than before. For further improvements, there are three awesome apps to improve the web browsing experience on Android which could be convenient and easy for the user.

Link Bubble

Link Bubble
Link Bubble enables the user to pre load the page before it pops up which means that the user can continue to read the page arrived at, till the link is ready. While the free version enables to use Link Bubble in one app only and open one bubble at a time, paid version supports all apps with unlimited bubble. Link Bubble is genius in which the loading occurs in the background while you can continue viewing the previous screen and once the page is loaded, the window will pop up without wasting time in waiting for the loading.

Moreover it also informs the user about the time needed for loading. Loading pages in Chrome seems to be faster, but Link Bubble enables the user to carry on with what they are doing till the link is ready. Besides the background loading, Link Bubble also uses flick physics wherein with the flick of a finger one can share a page, close it or even save it for future reading with another service like Pocket. Gesture browsing experience together with pre loading feature in Link Bubble can enhance the internet browsing experience on mobile devices.

Javelin Browser

Javelin, an Android Browser, is built with its focus on mobile experience of surfing on the web. It is streamlined and very minimal with gestures between tabs and has built in AdBlock and the first Android browser with reading mode, similar to Pocket/Readability app with one touch navigation. Besides these, Javelin is capable of intelligent bookmarks wherein the bookmarks are segregated based on the frequency of use, with built in proxy services, though in-app subscription is needed, incognito mode (private browsing) and fast start times wherein app opens immediately.


Best Apps To Improve Android Browsing
Pocket is a useful and simple browser extension, its main function is saving web content for offline reading when time permits using the Pocket app to read it. It synchronizes the pages to the Pocket server side and can be read on different devices.

When online and reading something which may have to be stopped, the Pocket plug in can save the page easily after which using the Pocket app the same can be read at any time.

In order to use this extension, Next Browser is needed to be installed which is the fastest and the simplest browser. Besides these, there are other extensions in Next Browser to improve the functions without limitation namely QR code for Next Browser, PDF, Screenshot, Evernote, Auto Refresh, Facebook, Private Bookmarks, translate, defy pages and browsing faster all for Next Browser.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

How to Block Ads on Your Browser

Web Browsers

Knowledge on how to Block ads could be useful

Android users are very familiar with mobile ads with many of them making their rounds on the internet. Advertisements are a source of revenue, keeping websites afloat but sometimes these advertisements could be very annoying. Knowledge on how to block these ads could prove to be helpful to the user enabling them to block unwanted ads that may pop up during usage. Blocking advertisements can be done on the major browsers used by Windows XP, Vista 7 and 8, Mac OS X and Linux users, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera. The two system wide ad blocking methods can be used namely AdFender or HostMan to block ads on every browser as well as other programs like instant messengers, torrent software without the need of AdBlock Plus.

AdFender – Ad Blocking Program

AdFender, an ad-blocking program which operates independent of web browsers, installed as a Window program but not a browser add-on or extension, blocks ads on all the browsers, system wide. AdFender can also be used to block ads on Firefox, Internet Explorer as well as the latest v11 of IE, Opera and Chrome or even any other browser which may be used. Moreover it also blocks ads on instant messaging programs as well as torrent software. All that the user needs to do is to download and install AdFender which will automatically block all ads on Internet Explorer as well as other browsers.

HostMan though not a program can be used to Block Ads

HostMan though not an ad blocking program, is a program that enables to modify Windows computer’s Hosts file and can be used to block ads since it is used to block connections to ad networks and the Hosts file. The process is easier than it sounds wherein one can click on a few buttons and it effectively blocks ads on every browser or program. Firefox is the easiest browser to block ads with AdBlock Plus and the only setup needed with AdBlock Plus is to select the ad-blocking filter which needs to be used. These filters are a definition list informing AdBlock Plus on which ads to be blocked. The need to select one of the filters is essential and after the initial installation, more than one filter could also be used though one filter would do enough to block 99.5% of ads.

AdBlock Plus

Though AdBlock Plus does blocks most of the ads on its own, if by chance it ever misses an ad, a right click on the ad, selecting AdBlock Plus: Block image, will enable to create a custom filter blocking the ad as well as similar ads to it. Block tab may pop up if AdBlock Plus misses a Flash or Java ad enabling to block it manually, since the user is unable to right click on those types of ads. AdBlock Plus has other useful features like the ability to disable AdBlock Plus on specific websites which can be done through the AdBlock Plus Button. AdBlock Plus the add-on for Firefox has now been ported officially to Internet Explorer and is easy to install. It starts blocking ads immediately without the need to setup anything after it has been installed.

4 Ways to Increase Your Download Speed

Download Speed
In this internet freak world we all are glued to screens all day long. We study, we interact, we work, we learn and we entertain ourselves through internet. Internet these days has become a fundamental unit of survival for most of us. As we all know, internet is used for various purposes, we indulge in downloading software, applications, songs, movies, PDF files and list is never ending and this is the rosy picture about internet and downloading.

Many of has faced speed problems when we download or install new things for ourselves. The downloading speed hampers the download capacity and sometimes urgent things suffer. We cannot just live with this problem; we must find ways to resolve it. Well I have got some steps for you to overcome these glitches when you download. Some simple necessary techniques and steps you must follow to avoid the disturbances. In this post, has detailed about how to increase the download speed of the internet connection while downloading a files in the internet.

Following are the steps to overcome speed problems while downloading-
  1. Checking your DNS server and boost up the speed
This is the foremost thing you must do; check the internet speed through some speed test website. These websites help you to check your internet speed free of cost and also enable you to keep a record of upload and download speed. This is necessary to check whether your service provider is providing efficient services or not. Do check all the DNS settings to ensure that correct information or choices have been looked upon. This is will ensure you of the base details you must know for accessing efficient speed over internet.

   2. Don't ignore updates and be regular
When your PC informs you about updating or upgrading software, don't ignore it. Updated programs help to overcome the faults of the previous version. Be regular to update as more the update notifications lined lesser is the speed. We must also keep a track of viruses and anti-viruses to avoid problems while accessing the internet.

  1. Unused apps must be turned off
This is one of the most important solutions to overcome speed problems. While we download from one application other unused applications must be turned off to avoid low speed and virus. There is no point of having multiple windows when you are not accessing them, it just hampers your download speed.
  1. No uploading while downloading
I hope we all can differentiate between these two words. Whenever we have set one or more file for the download process we must avoid uploading data to avoid speed glitches. Both actions can be performed simultaneously but must be avoided as both the tasks receive less speed and takes more time. We can save time and power while performing these separately.

These are certain tips that must be followed to avoid low speed while downloading. Some other things that can be kept in mind are to get rid of external interference like phones, tabs, ipad around, I am sure most of us have these around PC while we work on it, these devices hamper speed because of electromagnetic connections. We also must keep the cables of connection short and intact, this must be ensured before we switch on our PC. Stay tuned for more technology based information with Mono-live

How to Speed Up Your Samsung Android Mobile

It’s a big issue when you were using your mobile for more than a year; yes of course, if you were using your android mobile for more than a period of time, it starts to slow down and lag when you were performing an important work or a task in your android device. When you hit the home screen button, your android device will hangs for a while and gives you lots of trouble. In this post, has brought you an awesome information regarding how to speed up your Samsung android mobile within few minutes and also you can use this tips in any android devices that you have. There are few tips that make your device to work like newer mobile, and here they goes;

1. Clear Your Cache: This will be the first and foremost step that allows you to reduce the size of the cache memory that has been stored in the android device. Cache is a temporary memory that allows you to store the temporary files in your android devices. Mostly each and every application that is found in the device will use some cache memory for their performance. Clearing that cache memory will speed up the device and also gives more space for the other program to work more efficiently. If you want to clear the cache memory, go to settings then application and there you can clear the cache memory for each and every application that is running in your mobile devices.

2. Remove Widgets from your Home screen: The Widgets and the shortcuts that are present in the screen of the android devices will consume the memory space and also it will consume some part of processors memory. In the meantime, it will increase the memory capacity of the device. So make sure that, the number of widgets and the shortcuts on the homescreen is very less in number. You can simply remove them by long pressing them and move it to the deletion area.

3. Disable the unused applications in your android devices: By Disabling the unwanted or unused applications in the android devices will reduce the memory space in your mobile and also allows the processor to work more efficiently. If you have rooted your mobile, then you can easily remove the system applications that are coming along with the android devices. You can easily remove all unwanted and unnecessary applications by simply rooting your mobile. Otherwise you can uninstall the applications that you have installed manually.

4. Install a Launcher: Launchers are the applications that control the activity of your phone say Desktop Screen, Lock Screen and so on. You can install an application that is very fast and more productivity. I would prefer Lighting Launcher; it is more effective in nature.

By performing these actions, you can easily improve the speed of your mobile within few minutes and you can feel it as like a newer mobile.

Firedrive Enters, PutLocker Exits

Formerly known as PutLocker, Firedrive is UK based cloud storage and file hosting service offering free users, 50GB free storage with uploading of maximum file size of 1GB enabling the user to share, manage and store files from any location of the globe on any device. Files are accessible on any device along with the features which can be shared privately or publicly.

It is accompanied with several useful features like groups, public profiles, filedrops, advanced file permissions, document viewing and much more and is a perfect choice for students and professionals who would need to organize their personal and work, online. Firedrive is fast, easy and is packed with tons of security features wherein users can share with ease, their photos, videos, documents or audios with family, friends as well as co workers and can share, listen and view 150 plus file types.

Firedrive enables immediate access to media files without any downloads where video files automatically change to a streaming format, while audio files are playable through a web based player and images are embedded directly into the page. Users can also generate one time link and share it in an email, blog, instant message and forum wherein the user can copy the link and send it through Firedrive by email or social networks.

No registration is needed to share the file, all that is needed is a browser and the user can share using the one time line and also get notification when someone accesses it. Firedrive helps to share a file irrespective of it being big or small or even a whole folder and one can share multiple numbers of files or folders with the help of simple clicks enabling other to also add them to their Firedrive account.

When it comes to security and the need to share an important document with anyone, accessibility aspects should be taken into account. A password could be set for the files or folder that can be changed at any point of time. Users could also restrict access to viewers on all shared files by turning them to private without the need to delete anything and all the files uploaded to Firedrive gets automatically private.

One can also embed videos, audios as well as documents in blogs on website in the form of Power Point presentation, PDF, AVI, MP3, MP4 and much more which can be viewed by a large number of audiences at any location on the globe. To take advantage of the opportunity of 50GB free cloud storage service you could visit the site and get registered.

Firedrive makes use of industry standard encryption in order to safeguard the user’s account where the shared links are difficult to locate by search engines unless they are shared on public spaces like forums or blogs. Firedrive also has a mobile optimized website wherein the files can be viewed while on the go and new photos and videos can be uploaded though it is not as feature filled as the desktop browsers.