Letters are a thing of the past. Telegrams are obsolete. Distance is no longer distant. The world has entered the age of technology. Phones are as smart as
humans. Unfortunately, they tend to die faster. To prevent the phone from dying, charging is the only solution. Sometime, our handy chargers fail.
Retrieving the phone from the land of dead, even then, is rather simple. Following steps might help.
There could be a number of solutions to this problem depending on what is causing it.
QUICK FIX: To begin with, pulling the battery out of the device, could be a good start. After a while, assemble the phone and plug it into the original charger.
This works in most cases. If the smart phone comes with an in-built battery, then, stimulated battery pull could be a good alternative.
Often dirt or other particles get lodged inside the port which prevents it from getting charged. If there is something lodged inside the port, the phone
will not respond to the charger. In such a situation, the solution is to clean the port, plug the charger back, and continue charging.
Temporarily, a quick fix could be to use a different port, it could be the computer’s charger or the car’s. Attaching the phone to the computer and
charging it is an immediate and effective solution. Moreover, it works every single time!
There might be no problem with the charger altogether, it could be the outlet. Thus checking the outlet could be a good option. Things might just get fixed
by shifting the charger from one outlet to the other.
Sometime, since the battery has died down completely, it might take a longer time to get started. So, a good idea is to continue charging and wait till the
battery is energized enough to restart and join the world of connectivity.
May be the real reason behind this inconvenience is the fact that the battery cannot deliver its services any longer. Thus, changing the battery could be
essential. Before replacement, taking the option of an expert is crucial. A good idea is to take it to a mobile operator.
If nothing works whatsoever, it could be because the charger is damaged and need fixing. In this regard getting a new charger is the only alternative. Good
deals on chargers are available online for the phone will not work without a charged up battery.
If everything suggested above have failed to retrieve the phone, including getting a new battery and changing chargers. Then it is not the fault of the
battery or the charger but of the concerned phone and in such a situation, the only possible solution is to buy a new phone and replace the old one for
time has out-smarted it.