Tuesday 30 December 2014

Researchers Build Room-Temperature Memory That Doesn’t Need Current To Retain Data

Mgneto Electric
In present all computer memory works with simple principle, which is to use the electrical current for changing the charge state of a cell, and later this charge state can be read by other memory controllers, no matter we are talking about RAM or NAND flash which is identical and basic property between them.

Researchers of Cornell have demonstrated and announced about the device, which is based on bismuth ferrite to store and retrieve data without an electrical current. The implications of these principals could be found a long time from now on room-temperature.

Magneto-electric memory is attractive because it removes the effect of electrical currents that is useful for substantial fraction of power consumption in a system. If cache subsystems or DRAM can draw minimum electrical power, so there is possibility the battery life of device would be increase. This impact of shifting to alternative magneto-electric or ferroelectric memory systems could be substantial, which can be count as traditional gains for adopting new process nodes.

Bismuth ferrite known for to exhibit the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic both properties, it means that it has its own magnetic field as any common magnet, but the polarity of this field can be switched with the help of an electrical field, all you need to apply the electrical field to the device. Exploiting these prominent capabilities on a room-temperature is a major achievement, which can be revolutionizing for modern electronics if any how anyone can figure out how to build devices from it.

This Cornell research explains and demonstrates a single switching cell which can hold the bit of data. ERMs are cutting-edge materials which haven’t been proven commercially, but shows many promise if one can figure out how to use it and manufacture them in large volume. This category is directly linked to Emerging Research Devices (ERDs).

From OLED to EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography), the market is filled with technologies which can ramped much more slowly than originally forecast. At first look these issues seems unrelated as they cover the three completely different areas of expertise.

The New Yorker have modern piece on this because they relates it to grapheme. As Graphene is brilliant and awesome stuff, and it’s conductivity at room temperature to a degree is possible which was dream in case of copper wire. It is incredibly durable and strong

The problem with Graphene that it lacks in production because it’s common for elements and capabilities are languish for centuries before finding its actual applications. In present the most promising work is to find the way to incorporate it into existing products.

The incredible promise with Bismuth ferrite is to own the formidable stack of obstacles, but it’s not clear that we have build stacks of these devices at scale to switch them at speed or not? The challenges between creating an entire memory array and a single piece of bismuth ferrite at room temperature can’t be understated.

Protect Your Guns with a Safe that Can Stand Up to the Test

When you own a firearms, whether it is only one or you have a substantial collection, you need to make protection of your guns a top priority. You simply cannot leave them to chance. Take responsibility and store them properly in a gun safe that will get the job done. With a company like "GunSafeNow", you'll find a full range of a safes. Check this out and find the safe that works for you.

Think Fire Resistant for the Ultimate Protection

Your guns are a major investment. You need to protect your valuable firearms. With a selection of fire resistant safes, you can rest assured that your collection will be safe in the event of a fire. When you choose a safe that has been built to withstand the heat, you can count on fire-resistant materials and insulation to work hand in hand. The interior temperature will be controlled with the exterior will hold up when the temperature is rising.

Keep Your Collectibles, Valuables, and Important Documents Safe as Well

When you choose a gun safe, think about more than your guns. You can also protect your valuables and essential documents. From collectible items to precious jewels, your photo collection, and special items that hold sentimental value, you can rest assured that they will be safe from harm or theft. You will have peace of mind when you have selected a safe that can suit your purposes.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Like the Boy Scouts, it's best to be prepared for any eventuality. Hopefully, you will never have a fire or an intrusion in your home. However, you cannot predict the future. When it comes to your firearms, it's especially important that you take that extra step to secure your guns. While insurance policies can take care of financial losses, you cannot reverse tragedies that occur when guns fall into the wrong hands.

You don't ever want to deal with the heartbreak of losing someone who is dear to you because of a firearm accident. When you have a solid, reliable gun safe, your guns will not fall into the wrong hands. Only those who are authorized to open your safe will have access to the guns in your home. It doesn't matter if they are not loaded. When you put them in the safe, you'll know that they are truly safe.

BMW's Self-Parking Tech Relieves Drivers From Circling the Lot

Self- Parking BMW

BMW is expected to highlight their recently previewed automated parking technology at the International CES in Las Vegas next month. The company will be demonstrating the new technology at the trade show in their electric i3 model. The Remote Valet Parking Assistant technology features 36-degree collision avoidance apart from environmental recognition and secure position.

The technology makes use of four advanced laser scanners, which have the ability to identify impediments such as obstacles and columns and can chart a route to a parking spot that is completely reliable. The technology also calculates the time it will take to return the vehicle to the driver at a given time, based on the total time it took the system to navigate and locate a parking spot. The added benefit of this parking assistant is that it is operable through a smart-watch as well.

Technology for controlled environment: 

The company has clearly suggested that it might take until 2020 for the complete implementation of the technology but still it is not something, which can be used on a daily basis on parking streets or lots. This will be limited to automation-friendly and very specialized parking structures.

It is a concept of combining a controlled environment with the technology to make a car react. Literally, this feature will be bonus for people with luxury cars and can be easily used at casinos and golf courses. According to telemetric program manager with Frost & Sullivan, Praveen Chandraskar, even though this technology meant for the controlled environment is easily 7-8 years away, what can cause a challenge is making the technology usable in the uncontrolled environment

Effortless parking: 

Even though parking assist technology is already a feature in many vehicles but at the moment it still requires a person to be in the driver’s seat. According to Michelle Krebs, industry analyst for AutoTrader.com, Ford and Lexus already have the parking assist technology added in their vehicles from quite a while. She added that we are taking steps towards making the parking assist to be fully automated but it might take some time for a car to Self Park.

According to Kerbs there are many insurance and regulatory issues that have to be addressed first. Another main aspect to be remembered is about creating trust among the customers about this technology. According to their survey, nearly 65% of the customers deemed the technology way too dangerous but are looking out for features, which has already been included in the technology.

What’s waiting for customers in future? 

Even though most of the customers are still not convinced about the technology, luxury car makers like Audi and BMW have already started using their own automated parking solution. BMW is a step ahead with their smart -watch-enabled control for Remote Valet Parking Assistant.

Smart-watch is currently the style statement and the company has used the same for added attraction. This technology to be used in public platform will require artificial intelligence hence as if now, the company has restricted to the used in the controlled environment.

Monday 29 December 2014

The Federal Communications Commission Clarifies the True Meaning of Data Roaming

The FCC has agreed with T-Mobile about having clear wireless roaming rules and regulation. This clarification will mean that negotiation pertaining to the roaming deals between small operators and Verizon and AT&T will become much easier.

Advantages for the customers: 

For customers who are using T-Mobile and sprint, this will mean a considerable decrease in the prices and much better coverage for 3G and 4G services. Looking at this, if these companies are successfully able to provide services and better coverage through their roaming deal, it will definitely put pressure on Verizon and AT&T to lower the prices of their own service plans as well. FCC on Thursday gave ruling on a petition, which was filed by the T-Mobile earlier this year. The petitioner had asked the agency to explain the guidelines about defining reasonable rates for the data roaming.

Network Roaming: 

This can be defined as the network coverage of an operator that is used by wireless operators in an area of no coverage for them. Roaming services have been into existence since the wireless industry started giving more omnipresent coverage to the operators. However, as the industry started consolidating, nation’s two of the biggest wireless carriers, AT&T and Verizon, also started expanding their presence in the market. Apart from this these carriers also started resisting to strike any deal with smaller rival companies pertaining to 3G and 4G data services and networks.

FCC in 2011 had passed a regulation, which required all the carriers to provide roaming deals to their competitors at affordable rates. However, carriers like T-mobile filed a complaint with FCC stating that even though the regulation has been passed still, large carriers like Verizon and AT&T have been charging exorbitant rates to smaller rivals for using their network. Therefore, the company has asked FCC to clarify as to what they mean by reasonable rates.

AT&T has defended themselves stating that they have been following all the regulation followed by FCC and they decreased their rates over time and clarification from FCC will start encouraging companies like T-Mobile to strike deals as per their own terms and stop them from investing in their own networks.

The final Decision: 

FCC issued their decision on Thursday and stated that clarification is important. The agency has clarified that the current rates cannot guarantee and cannot lead to presumption that the prices will be reasonable in the future as well. Roaming fees paid in some other context are already given evidences in the reasonableness of roaming rates raised by T-Mobile in the formal dispute.

This decision was welcomed by all the smaller operators including T-Mobile. They have commended the decision stating that this will allow competition in terms of reasonable data roaming rates for all the other carriers. They have appreciated the formal guidance given by FCC on the reasonable roaming rates. As expected Verizon and AT&T are not happy with the decision of FCC as it will discourage investments in the wireless networks.

Microsoft Combats Tech Support Scammers with Lawsuit

Microsoft is currently trying to fight one of the biggest frauds in the recent days by means of lawsuits. What lead to this legal battle? There are people who have received calls from people claiming to be with Microsoft and informing that their computer has got affected by the virus.

They claim to fix the issue after the payment of a fee. On 18th Dec, a civil lawsuit was filed by Microsoft's Digital Crimes unit in the Central District of California. This lawsuit was filed against the company called as the Omnitech Support and other firms, citing the reason as "unfair and misleading business practices and trademark encroachment.

According to the blog pertaining to this lawsuit, Microsoft has charged Omnitech Support, a division of Customer Focus Services for misusing the Microsoft name, service and the trademark, with the ultimate aim of defrauding the customers out of their money and other personal information. They pretended that the customer’s PC was affected by a virus.

Pattern of these scams

Most of the computer related scams follow a similar pattern wherein it starts with a phone call from someone pretending to be working with Microsoft or claiming to be the partner’s of Microsoft. They will give you some technical details about how they identified the virus on your computer. They will them convince the customer to install the remote control software on the PC and then take full control over the computer of the customers. They will use a scareware to show that there is a virus affecting your system and they can have it fixed after paying a certain amount of fee. If the customer agrees, they can now get additional details about the customer apart from the access to the customer’s credit card.

According to the information on the Microsoft Blog, the scammer have been able to create security issues as they have installed malicious software, which includes password grabbers to get all the financial and personal details of the customer.

Microsoft with the help of investigators has been able to back up their lawsuit by contacting the defendants’ names in the lawsuit. Each investigator contacted the defendant with a computer having no virus or malicious software but were convinced by the latter that there is a virus and need to pay a large sum of fee for them get that removed and get the corrupted windows work again. Many of the customers had contacted Microsoft stating that computer is not in good shape post the repair. According to Microsoft, around $1.5 billion each year is lost by customers due to these kinds of frauds.

Due to the action of the Omnitech Support, Microsoft has claimed that they lost their goodwill and looking forwards for claiming financial damages apart from permanent injunction on the actions. Microsoft has requested for a jury trial as per the details mentioned in the lawsuit. According to the Microsoft spokesperson, all the details pertaining to the lawsuit and the scam has been updated in their official blog but Omnitech Support denied to comment of any of these.For complaining to FTC