Wednesday, 18 May 2016

WhatsApp now has a Desktop Version for PC and Mac users


WhatsApp desktop App Linked to Mobile Phone

WhatsApp has eventually brought its highly popular messaging platform to the PC for Windows as well as Mac users and a desktop app has been launched, which tends to link with user’s phones so that they can message from their computer. Prior to the launch of its native desktop app, user could only utilise it through third party apps or the web version of the site.

Facebook owned company had informed in an official blog statement that the new app would include all the features such as desktop notifications, keyboard shortcuts and much more. Besides WhatsApp abilities, it brings it in line with other messaging platform Messenger of Facebook that has a native Windows 10 app in addition to web version. Intended to mirror the conversations from the mobile app, WhatsApp desktop app needs the mobile phone of the user to be switched on, close by and connected to the internet in order to function.

The basis for this apparently inconvenient need is to strengthen the security of the app by sending all the incoming messages to a specific device for protection from potential account hacking, according to the independent report. Moreover, account users are compelled to sign in with their phone numbers and forbid users from installing the app on other platforms such as tablets which makes the messaging service essentially mobile first and PC second.

No Calling Abilities

The new app is said to work just the same way as WhatsApp Web, the web browser form of the well-known messaging service. Users could scan a QR code on their computer screen with the phone to connect the two devices which is believed to improve the security of the app.

By providing inroad for PC users, the improvement will further speed up the growth that WhatsApp has seen over the years. Presently, WhatsApp has over a billion users all over the world. Early in the year, in order to improve the privacy of the user, WhatsApp had added end-to-end encryption to its mobile app.

Various keyboard shortcuts, comprising of Ctrl (command on a Mac) +Shift + M to mute a conversation and Ctrl + Shift + U to change the read status of a message, make the desktop app, an improved form of WhatsApp Web. Besides the shortcuts, the desktop app does not provide any new services to set it apart from the web form and does not have calling abilities.

WhatsApp Free to Download

But it does fill a gap bringing the service that has over a billion users, in line with apps like Slack, Messenger and Hangouts. Users will not have to log back in every time they close their web browser; with the desktop app. Desktop App of WhatsAppis free to download and is available for all software types after Windows 8 and Mac OS 10.9. In the meanwhile the release of the desktop app comes at an extremely contentious timing since the company is involved in legal problems with the Brazilian government especially with the law enforcement agencies over debated access to user data. The judge has already suspended the services of WhatsApp, nationwide, twice and has also ordered the jailing of a Facebook executive over its apparent refusal to hand over the requested data mentioned in a report of Venture Beat.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Windows 10 to Kill Wi Fi Password Sharing Option


Microsoft Adds Wi-Fi Sense to Windows 10

When Microsoft had publicized Windows 10, it had added Wi-Fi Sense, which had earlier debuted on the Windows Phone operating system. Wi-Fi had been a password-sharing option which enabled the user to share Wi-Fi passwords with friends and contacts in Skype, Outlook and Facebook. This option is aimed at making it easier to share the Wi-Fi network with family and friends within range and the goal is to eradicate the stress of physically doling out the Wi-Fi password to those you decide to grant access.

When one tends to share Wi-Fi network access with Facebook friends, contacts or Skype contact they are connected to the password-protected Wi-Fi networks which one opts to share and get access to the internet within range of the networks. Similarly you will also be connected to Wi-Fi networks that they tend to share for Internet access also. You only get Internet access but don’t get to see Wi-Fi network passwords. They will not have access to the other computers, or devices or files stored on your home network and likewise you also will not have access to things on their network.

Password-Sharing Option has Raised Concern

But, the password-sharing option has raised concern, at first particularly from people who thought that it automatically shared your network with anyone desiring to access. Wi-Fi Sense tends to offer controls wherein one can choose which networks to share, which contacts could tap into your Wi-Fi. Your contact can gain access to your network but your password tends to be unknown to them.

 Microsoft in the latest preview edition of Windows had intentions of removing the Wi-Fi password-sharing option which was not sufficient in justifying the cost of maintenance, though it will keep the Wi-Fi Sense feature which enables to connect to open networks.

Microsoft VP Gabe Atul had mentioned in a blog recently that `the cost of updating the code in keeping this feature working, together with low usage and low demand, does not make this worth the effort for further investment. Wi-Fi Sense, if enabled will tend to continue to get you connected to open Wi-Fi hotspots which it is aware of, through crowdsourcing’.

Persuading Individuals to Shift to Windows 10

Microsoft has been trying to persuade individuals to shift to Windows 10, in order to make up for the failings of Windows 8 that is available as a free upgrade to those running Windows 7 or 8.1. However that deals is said to be scheduled by end of July 29 and hence before that, Microsoft needs to lure as many users as possible. Moreover, if one tends to choose

Express Settings when Windows 10 is installed, Wi-Fi Sense is turned on by default.The first thing to be done is to turn it off and to do this, you will have to go Settings and then Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi settings and uncheck the option of sharing your networks with contact, Skype contacts and Facebook friends. You can also turn off the ability of automatically connecting to open hotspots here and to connect to networks shared by your contacts.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Google Patents Computer That can be Injected Directly into the Eyeball


Google’s Patent – Device injected in Eye to Improve Sight

Google has been working on a computer which can be injected into the eyeballs of individuals. A new patent filing indicates plan for a device which can be stuck into the eyes of people to improve the sight but also tends to provide extra powers. Though the technology in the patent may not actually be released, it is another example of Google’s obvious interest in getting computers onto and in the eyes of individuals.

The injectable machine is said to be just behind the visible area of the eye, focusing light so that it can rectify poor vision. As described in the patent dated April 28, 2016, the device is said to be injected in fluid which then tends to get solidified to couple the device with the eye’s lens capsule, which is the transparent membrane surround the lens. Injection tends to take place, `following the removal of the natural lens from the lens capsule’.The injected device in the eye contains various tiny components such as storage, sensors, radio, battery as well as an electronic lens. The eyeball device tends to get power wirelessly from an energy harvesting antenna.

Placing Technology onto Eyeball Instead of External Visual Aid

The antenna would enable it to get connected to other device outside the eye which would help in processing the information. The patent defines what appears like an external device to interface with eyeball computer and the two tend to communicate through a radio. The interface device has the process to do the needful computing. As per the patent, the electronic lens would be assisting in the process of focusing light onto the retina of the eye.

This is not the first time that Google has worked on technology where one could stick it right in the eyeball. Earlier, Google had made attempts in creating an eye-linked computer with Google Glass spectacles, though that idea faced problems and is now being re-launched as a product precisely for the workplace. Since then, patents seemed to show that Google is making attempts in placing technology onto the eyeball instead of just an external visual aid. It had filed another patent for smart contact lenses in 2014, which could display information as well as monitor their wearer’s glucose levels.

It had begun talking about the Google Contact Lens which measured glucose levels in tears to help individuals with diabetes. The glucose measuring contact lenses have now been a part of Verily which is the division under the new Alphabet organisation dedicated in life sciences and most probably this type of eyeball device is being worked on by Verily. Andrew Jason Conrad has been listed as the inventor and is the head of Verily. He was connected with Google Contact Lens project.

An article last month in Stat News had described adeparture in talent from Verily due to difficulties working with Conrad. Earlier to Google, he had been the co-founder as well as the Chief Scientific Officer of Laboratory Corporation of America. He also had a PhD in cell biology from the University of California in Los Angeles. The work on the technology in that patent seems to be in progress and the company has been collaborating with a healthcare company in developing similar technology. However, several technology patents do not really make it to the market and hence the injectable computer could not actually be in the eyes of the people in the future.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Survive a Military Grade Bio Attack by Sitting in Your Car


Tesla’s The High Efficiency Particulate Air Filtration

According to the company, those intending to buy a Tesla should add the capability of surviving a biochemical attack to the `pro’ column. It is said that Tesla has been examining a new in-car filter to `scrub’ the air inside as well as outside the vehicle in an attempt to fight the increasing issue of air pollution afflicting major cities. Air pollution has an important as well as a prevalent influence on public health.

As per World Health Organization, it is considered as the world’s largest single environmental health risk where over three million people tend to die due to this which is more than twice the number of people that die in vehicle accidents every year. Health and safety is of great importance to us. The HEPA filtration – High Efficiency Particulate Air, had been motivated by technology utilised in hospitals as well as the space industry. As per a blog post by Tesla, it has the capabilities of stripping the outside air of pollen, bacteria as well as pollution, before the driver enters and systematically scrubs the air within the cabin to eradicate traces of such kind of particles.

Air Pollution more Injurious than Car Accidents

Air pollution, statistically speaking, is more probably to be injurious to the world’s motorists than car accidents, considering the huge number of people residing in cities with the dangerous levels of air pollution which is beinga hindrance to health. The company of Elon Musk is tarnished for tackling some of the major challenges facing humanity; hence the latest feature of the Tesla Model S and Model X should not be surprising.

Irrespective of the outside state of air, drivers will be sitting in an unspoiled oxygen environment. The company has mentioned that the filter system tends to undergo rigorous testing by being placed in what amounted to a bubble full of pollution. The blog post explained that `a Model X was placed in a large bubble contaminated with extreme levels of pollution. The falcon doors were then closed and activated Bioweapon Defence Mode. Within a span of two minutes, it had cleaned the air inside the Model X to enable Tesla workers to sit safely inside the vehicle.

Filter System Very Effective

During the following minutes, the filtration system started cleaning the air outside the car eliminating the number of unwanted particles by around 40%. The company has stated that Bioweapon Defence Mode is not a marketing statement, but is real and one can exactly survive a military grade bio attack by sitting in the car. Revealed first by Musk last year, the mode utilises an extreme level of air filtration to eliminate harmful toxins from the air.

Tesla stated that it was almost 200 times more toxic than the world’s present highest levels recorded in Beijing. The company, in fact claim that their filter systems are so effective that it can even clean the air outside the car. Tesla will tend to continue in improving the micro-geometry as well as chemical passivation defences in the primary and the secondary filters that can be replaced easily and it will get better the long one tends to own their car.

Emoji Feminism

<Emoji Feminism

Emojis Designed to Represent Women Better in Workplace

A set of 13 emojis have been designed by Google engineers and according to them represent women better in the world of work. The designs have been presented to the Unicode consortium which is a body that tends to approve and standardise emojis. The team have mentioned that they hope the samples would empower young women, the substantial emoji users and reflect better the fundamental roles that women seem to play in the world and include healthcare workers, scientists as well as businesswomen.

 Emojis are considered to be icons which are being utilised in mobile and web messaging in order to help tell a story. The terms which means picture (e) and character (moji) in Japanese had been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. A group of four Google employees mentioned a New York Time op-ed known as `Emoji Feminism’ as the inspiration for its new design. Amy Butcher commented that `they were told that they are the new generation of American women, no longer a minority and that they in fact, are the majority of breadwinners in American homes and yet the best that they can get is the flamenco – dancer’.

Search Engine for Emojis – Emojipedia

Research done by Procter & Gamble indicated that 82% of girls in the age group of 16 – 24 tend to use emojis daily. More than half of those who had been surveyed were of the opinion that female emojis were stereotypical. The designs of Google comprise of women in technology, construction, farming as well as the food industry. Female musician emoji includes homage to the late David Bowie with a pink zigzag on her face.

Users have the option of choosing from various skin tone and as well as the generic yellow on some of the devices. A search engine for emojis, Emojipedia, had recently proposed that one should also be able to choose the colour of hair and specify gender. All the emojis should be approved by Unicode to ensure that they are displayed properly on the various platforms.

But emojis could look quite different on competing platforms, where a dancer emoji for instance shows up as a ballerina on LG phones, a man disco-dancing on Samsung devices, a yellow blob with its arm raised on Android and a flamenco dancer on iOS. The next set of emoji candidates is said to be released mid-year though it is not known whether the designs of Google will be approved in time to be included in this.

Empower Girls Everywhere

According to its proposal, the objective of Google is to have these emojis in steady use on smartphone and computers towards the end of the year in order to empower girls everywhere. Presently, there are more than 1,000 standardized emojis that are utilised globally depicting everything from ice-cream to dragon to police cars.

But the current emoji selection feels subtly chauvinist, portraying men running and policing while women dance and cut their hair. Google had mentioned in its proposal that `considering the fact the women seem to be the most regular emojis users and they span a wide professional spectrum which is not yet reflected in the present emojis, we want to help address this pressing matter of equality’.

It is a good gesture though there is yet a long way to go in putting women on equal footing in the workplace. According to the latest data from the National Committee on Pay Equity, women in the U.S. tend to make around 79 cents for every dollar earned by men. The gender pay gap is closing since the early 60s though the change has been quite slow.